Feeling a little better in Adventures in paradise
- Jan. 5, 2016, 10:04 p.m.
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James texted me last night and I ended up going over to see him and Vish, so that was kind of a nice way to spend the evening. I really couldn’t be bothered heading down to the Goldy again, this time to see Brent, when I was only down there a few days ago seeing Ben. I’m still a bit iffy about seeing Brent but I know it’s all in my stupid little mind. I told him I’d come see him in a couple of weeks or so, and he already asked me like a week later. I swear guys just don’t listen.
Same with Moe. He knows what days I have off from work, but I’ll always get the ‘Are you working?’ text lol. And of course I usually am by that point, after having just had a few days off.
My debt is under control again after the public holiday paychecks went in. They are always helpful. It’s gonna totally suck if our government gets rid of penalty rates. A lot of people are really gonna miss out if that happens. The whole reason I work a 4-day week is because of the Sunday rate. Anyway, my debt isn’t usually that bad, but after the overseas trip, I think I’ve done well to have barely touched the credit card, and I got rid of the last of that this week. You know, until the next unexpected expense decides to show it’s face. This time it was my driver’s licence. But I got the 5-year one, so I don’t have to worry about that for another half a decade. Plus I am loving the idea that I can keep my 29-year old me-photo until I am 42 :D LOL. Man, I hope I age well haha.
I only have to have a new one every 9 years, but because I paid for two years back in 2013, that lasted until last year, which means in 5 years time, the photo will still only be 7 years old, which means I can book another 5 years then with the same photo and keep it until I’m 42. At least, that’s the idea. Unless they physically force me to get a new photo at age 37. Boo.
Anyway, here’s hoping I make it that far!
Work’s been pretty good. I haven’t been called in since the new manager started so I think they might actually have decent staff numbers for once. Maybe that was just over Xmas, not sure, but it’s nice not having that text message come through like the old manager used to do all the time. This manager tends to just get night-fillers to come in early, which works for me! They always want shifts. There’s still a few people I think could be better at their jobs, but hey, not my problem really. It just annoys me when I physically see people being lazy constantly, when I just get in there and put my head to the ground until the shift is over. I literally don’t stop amd sacrifice my breaks sometimes, although I try to make sure I take them. Half the time I still don’t even get everything I want to done in the time I have.
I’m glad Christmas period is over though. All the straight males can stop asking me why we don’t have stock left when they’ve decided to go shopping at the last possible second. Like really, fellas? Really?
Even now I’ve noticed the husbands are the ones doing the shopping. Maybe the wives are busy getting the kids prepped for school of something, but I’ll especially see it on my Sunday shifts, guy’s asking me where stuff is and stuff. Maybe they go to the gym upstairs on weekends? Maybe the men are going the groceries these days?
What are you girls all doing?? Yoga?
Tennis still hasn’t happened with Lukey, but it has been raining constantly the past 48 hours. I think now is the first time it’s stopped since early Monday. We’ve got the remains of a failed cyclone from the Gulf Of Carpentaria, which tends to happen a lot this time of year. At least it’s nothing like the 2011 floods were.
I think it’s flooding further down south however. Tennis is now scheduled for next Monday. We’ll see haha.
Andrew’s back tomorrow. He’s already sent us a ‘make sure the house is clean’ email even though he’s only been gone 10 days. Ergh, he is so anal.
Nick’s New Year’s party mess is still all out of the back deck - red wig hair strewn everywhere. Like fuck I’m picking all that up. I cleaned my bathroom and even sorted through my room a bit to make it look a bit better (not that my room matters, that’s more for me). There’s still a lot I need to clean up though, but so I feel a bit more organised in here. I threw out some more clothes that I never wear, or rather, I put them with the other clothes in a garbage bag that I’ve still yet to take to lifeline. I threw out all my underwear that’s been out-worn and threw out about 5 pairs of shoes that were pretty fucked with holes in the toes, so our bin was full of my old undies and shoes last night, but the garbage truck took it this morning lol. People rummaging at the dump will get a real bargain with those :P
I’m going to see ‘The Good Dinosaur’ tonight at the New Farm Cinemas. I can’t remember if I’ve been there since they opened. They are about $15 a ticket, which is way more than the $6.50 at Southbank, but the time just worked out a bit better for when James finishes work so we’ll all go see it. I was thinking of sending Angelo an invite as well, if he wants to come. He’s always good to hang out with and have a laugh. Moe will probably be pissed off if I check in on FB there because he and Steve went and saw it last week, but I didn’t feel like battling the Chermside Boxing Day sale crowds nor paying a fortune for the ticket there, so I avoided going. He still has my Paris posters.
Not much exciting going on in my life so far this year haha.
AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ January 06, 2016
My husband had the same photo on his license from when he was 17 years old, until he was about 39. Isn't that insane? They don't take new photos in NY apparently, like, ever. He was devastated when his license expired while he was in Australia because it meant he'd have to have a new photo taken when he returned to the US. Craziness!
KissOfLife! AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ January 07, 2016
omg 22 years!? I'm happy with my 12 years haha.
AlexYourAlterEgo KissOfLife! ⋅ January 07, 2016
I know. It was really a sight to behold. He thinks he was a handsome 17 year old, I just thought he was weird looking. Ha!