And it begins in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.

  • Jan. 4, 2016, 1:48 p.m.
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No, not deep cleaning yet. Taking down Christmas. Latest I’ve EVER been in taking down my trees and decorations on the inside. The tree is undecorated and in its box, taped up to go into the attic for 11 months. The big clear bags are getting ornaments and strings of lights and just foo foo stuff put back in them. I’m so glad I didn’t get too carried away in decorating this year. I received a Christmas sparkle ball from one of my employees’ wife. It is made out of clear plastic cups and a string of multicolored Christmas lights are inserted in each cup. It is really really pretty but now I have to figure out the best way to store it. It is sitting on my sofa making me think of the best storage idea for it. Maybe an empty box if I have one large enough. I’ll figure something out. I still need to get the tall ladder to get the 4 smaller trees and other decorations I put in the big spaces on each end of my living room. Kinda procrastinating that job, but will do that next. I am usually so sore after climbing up and down that ladder several times. Maybe I’ll get in better shape now. HA!!

After all the decorations are out of the living room it will need another good vacuuming. Little sparkles are all over the place. I’ll get it done today and may wait until Owen gets home from school this afternoon to start hoisting them into the attic. I’m sure he will be wanting to be “in” the attic but not this year. It is a balancing act to get the large bags through the opening while you’re sitting or standing in it.

Yesterday morning I did get a two sided receiving blanket done and even made an applique to add to it. Not in the plan, however, after I got the cotton fabric and the flannel fabric turned and topstitched I noticed a tiny flaw in the cotton fabric. Dang!! An excuse to do another embroidery piece except made this one into an applique. A little heart. It is cute if I say so myself.

Went to Sunday School and Church and then came home to get something to eat. Not eating anything all morning is not a good idea. Anyway, fixed an egg sandwich and then around 3pm J and I went to Walmart. He was wanting to do some shopping with his Christmas money and he did. He bought 2 DVDs and a CD. He was a happy camper so a big Thank You to our special friend. You know who you are!! Jacob had also told me for two weeks he wanted to take me out to supper soon so yesterday after Walmart was the date. Since I needed to drop the Tahoe off to be serviced today, A and Owen met us at Cracker Barrel and he bought their supper too. A was very touched and impressed with J’s generosity as it doesn’t happen often with his siblings. :) Since I have ordered 40 spools of embroidery threads, I had wanted to look for a container to keep them in when they are delivered. I found and bought a tool box. I figured it will be deep enough to keep most of them in and the tray on top could be storage for bobbins, embroidery needles and the other things that came with it. It was secured so you couldn’t open it to look and I was pleasantly surprised when I snipped the security clasp off and found inside a smaller storage box. Made me happy as a pig in slop!! An extra storage box will come in very useful!!

So the bus arrived at the scheduled time of 6:07 AM to pick up J. He was ready to go back to work and I’m still not sure that he understands that I am retired. He says it, but not sure he actually comprehends what that really means. Not working has never been a choice in this family for anyone. Well, until now. heehee I already know that I will need to find somewhere to go on Fridays occasionally. That has been his “alone” day and we all need and require an alone day. Not sure what I’ll come up with, and with the weather possibly turning serious winter, it may not happen for a bit, but I will give him at least a few hours on Friday for his own time with me not here. Working outside in the warmer time of year I don’t think will count either, but warmer bring me opportunities to look for garden and flower stuff. I can also tolerate a trip to Lowe’s or Walmart, even if it is just to look around. In my dreams I know. I may have to leave my money locked up. :)

My time has come to get out of my recliner and get the ladder and a refill of coffee. After that project is complete, I’ll get some breakfast. Is this not the most boring entry ever?? I LOVE IT!

Take care and God Bless

Last updated January 04, 2016

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