Howzat? in Adventures in paradise
- Dec. 30, 2015, 1:21 a.m.
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I went and finally got my hair cut. I was umming and ahhing over this barber place that I hadn’t been to before because they were advertising half price cuts on December 29th and 30th only, and I must’ve walked past about four or five times before finally deciding to give it a go.
I thought for sure, being a barber, that they’d just give a general male haircut, no style whatsoever and completely stuff up my hair, but honestly, it wasn’t that bad. Because I was so depressed yesterday, I still wasn’t in the best mood, and the only time he spoke to me was to ask what I wanted done. The rest of it was in silence, which, honestly, was a real blessing for me. I realise that hairdresser’s talk to pass the time whilst cutting your hair, but he just got on with the job and I ended up being pretty happy with it. All for only $15!
I then thought that maybe he was just rushing clients through to make up for the half-price promo. Either way, worked for me.
They were a cash-only place and all middle easterner staff/owner’s. They did their job well and I can now say I’ve been to my first barber!
So, I look a bit different. It’s definitely a lot cooler having shorter hair in this hot weather, which is a relief, and yeah the fringe isn’t as cool as I’d like it, but it’s not totally terrible either. I realised as I was walking away that I did in fact feel a bit better about myself. The haircut did lift my mood.
I took a few selfies. Ergh, fuck my lazy-eye that decides to pop up :P
I barely ever have my hair up like that because it shows the forehead lines, but meh. And I know they aren’t my best photos but oh well. I’m not one of those gays who takes a million pics and filters the shit out of them until I findthe best one, sorry
That night, I went to the cricket match with my brother, his son (my nephew) and my father. They arrived before me and my brother texted me where they were, and I found them after a while. Thankfully, I was seated near my brother away from my dad.
I felt completely out of place there. I was convinced I was the only gay in the entire stadium. Turns out there were 29,000+ people at that game. Like, what the fuck? And it was SO loud to start with, with all the kids banging their souvenoir things against the seats and anything else they could. It was a Brisbane VS Hobart game. Hobart started first and got a really good score. I didn’t see a chance in hell of Brisbane winning.
And they didn’t, but they got fairly close, so it wasn’t a completely deadshit boring game. I was just SO out of my comfort zone it was unreal. Not just surrounded my bogan cricket fans, but hanging with the male members of my immediate family at a live sporting event that I don’t enjoy.
My dad took a photo of us all seated down together, and he tried to get my attention, but I completely ignored him. So I’m sure there’s some photo on Facebook out there somewhere of me with a ‘fuck off’-bitchy look on my face, avoiding his camera LOL.
I actually made a status about it paying it out…
… and I thought I hid it from my brother seeing it, but later on I saw that he’d ‘liked’ it. Whoops LOL. I only went because it was his Xmas present to all of us, and I figured surely I could survive a night match that only went for around 3 hours.
Which it did. Getting out of there was a nightmare though. So many people.
I took a panorama at the game. Figured it was a good opportunity for it.
James (Vish’s bf) picked me up from way up at Shafston Avenue (that’s how far I had to walk just to get around the crowds!) and I ended up going back to their place for the night. It was nice to just sit and chat with them and I ended up getting home around 12:30am, and then I was up until 4:30am doing my charts online (as I do every week) and I woke up around 10:30am and went and hung out with them again today, along with Angelo, Mitch and some cute guy that Mitch is sleeping with/dating. I ended up having a good day today thanks to those boys and laughing with them, so that’s been a welcome relief from the past few days.
Last updated December 30, 2015
AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ December 30, 2015
I think your hair looks great like that! Very sharp.
Don't even worry about your forehead lines - you'll have to take a photo for us with a totally neutral face, I bet they don't even show.
crunchie ⋅ December 31, 2015
Hair looks great!!
KissOfLife! crunchie ⋅ January 03, 2016
Thankyou! I like it too. Except for the fringe, but I'll live with it :)
kmh. ⋅ January 03, 2016
Your haircut looks amazing! So trendy! It REALLY suits you!