The old boring routine of things in Stuff

  • Dec. 15, 2015, 6:42 a.m.
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Tennis didn’t happen.
I mean, I knew it wouldn’t. I was getting Snapchats from him all day Sunday of how much he was drinking etc, so when I saw those I was like, “Yep, he’s gonna be hungover as fuck tomorrow.”
I was right. Never heard from him. He hasn’t changed a bit from when I dated him haha.

It’s all good. Andrew’s back, so I’ve been chatting to him a lot, as usual. Of course he’s being a usual bitch about cleaning. It doesn’t matter how well I clean the place, he will still always find something to whinge about. I’ve known him too long. He hasn’t brought up the rent topic, but I’m waiting for it. I’ve been keeping an eye out for places of just out of interest. I’m not updating my regular payment details via my bank either. He can kick me out. That way I’ll be forced to go. There’s quite a few decent looking places for rent or even for share. If I was going to live by myself for the first time, I probably wouldn’t want to pay more than around the $350 mark, being fiscally sensible that is. As for share accommodation, I’d be looking at around half that amount. Just depends on the quality of the property really. It alarms me at the state of some properties that have decor from the 1970’s, yet they are expecting people to pay modern-day apartment rent prices. Good fucking luck with that guys! You might own property in a good location, but you’re still trying to attract tenants, not scare them off! Unless of course if you’re going for the 50+ year old age group, then by all means.
I’ll definitely be looking a lot over the next month or two.

I bought some CD’s I wanted with the birthday money my mum sent me. Have been listening to them all afternoon, and really enjoying it, so I think a good investment. I also bought a new pair of thongs, since my current ones are being held together with Blu-tack, which is fine except it spreads and then sticks to my feet. I was going to go with Haviana’s again, but a differently designed pair grabbed my eye and were cheaper so I’m going to give those a go. They have weird grooves on the top but still seem rather comfy. I definitely need thongs in the Queensland summer.

Dunno what I’m gonna do tonight yet. I’m definitely falling back into the old boring routine of things here.

cazoob December 15, 2015

What CDs did you get?

KissOfLife! cazoob ⋅ December 15, 2015

Tina Arena, Reece Mastin and Troye Sivan :)

cazoob KissOfLife! ⋅ December 15, 2015

I got Troye's album on iTunes but haven't listened yet.

Perpetually Plump December 15, 2015

Everytime you mention summer, I get a little tickle of excitement. We're quickly approaching winter in the US, and I would loooooove yo exchange my shows for flip flops and my jeans for shorts!

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