Rain in Talk Story

  • Dec. 12, 2015, 9:58 a.m.
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The wind and rain continues here on the southern coast of Oregon… and the ocean is as turbulent as I have ever seen it since moving here…

Another big storm coming in tonight… sure glad there’s a lot of football on t/v this weekend…

We are expecting another (yes… another) seven inches of rain in the next 48 hours…

Down at the ocean… the wave heights are approaching fifteen feet… and there is quite a bit of flooding due to the river being at full crest…

I have been invited to a Christmas party about 30 miles from here tomorrow… but due to the weather… I think I’ll call in my regrets as the roads are quite hazardous (trees and limbs down… ice on the road in some spots)…

I hope that you are warm and dry… and if you have to travel… that you do so safely…

Thanks for drifting by… and for your notes to me…

Aloha oe.......................

aunty EM December 12, 2015

I used to get real upset if a storm caused me to change plans, but now I just say "That's Life....", change gears and adjust. I'm sure you do the same.

Maui Jim aunty EM ⋅ December 12, 2015

"That's Life"... wonderful attitude...! (smiles)

Deleted user December 12, 2015

I love weather like that on some days. Stay cozy inside and safe. Well wishes from Florida

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ December 12, 2015

Mahalo nui loa...
Auwe... pregnant and due any time... my oldest daughter was born December 25th... a bit tough on birthday parties...! (smiles)

dream seeker December 12, 2015

I've been wondering about you as I've seen the weather forecast. Stay dry and safe! I would imagine the ocean looks magnificent in all her fury. I hope you're getting to see it.

🌻StillJustMe🌸 December 12, 2015

Spilledperfume December 12, 2015


TruNorth December 13, 2015

We have fog - all day and all night long. It's just like living in Vancouver BC (which I love but can't afford). I went outside tonight and breathed in the mild foggy air - it was wonderful!

Maui Jim TruNorth ⋅ December 13, 2015

Absolutely...! (smiles)

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