The good and the bad in Hello.

  • Nov. 25, 2015, 4:47 p.m.
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I passed my driving theory test today! I needed to score 43/50 on the multiple choice and 44/75 on the hazard perception and I got 44 and 59 respectively! Get in! My only criticism on the test is that it doesn’t tell you which questions you get wrong, which would have been useful to me as I’d like to know where I can improve! Ah well, as long as I know enough, I’m sure I’ll pick this stuff up when I pass my practical and I’m mobile. :)
The bad: I don’t know if I’ve mentioned in here about the horrific stomach pains I’ve been getting? It’s something that I’ve had for years really, I can go for months then BAM! I’d be doubled over in agony after eating or drinking something. This year it got really bad, I’ve had 4 4 day episodes of pain in the last 7 months and during the latest one, booked in to see my doctor.
She thinks I’ve got gastritis, an infection in the stomach lining caused by a bacteria. Apparently about 50% of people have this bacteria (H pylori) in their stomach and it never causes them any harm, but sometimes it can go rampant and produce the symptoms I described. If left untreated it can potentially turn into an ulcer! I’ve got a month’s worth of medication, then I’ve to go back and see if that’s done the job. (Whisper: poo sample. Oh joy!) I have no appetite while I’m having an episode, so have eaten very little this week. It started this time after we took Bel and her friend to the pub for a Sunday roast lunch. The portions were epic, I was stuffed all day long, but by evening I was in agony. Today is Wednesday and all I’ve pretty much eaten this week is boiled rice, fish and chicken. This evening I fancied something with sauce, so I bought a Weight Watchers chicken and lemon risotto. Normally I’d inhale something like that, but I really struggled to eat it and now, while I’m not cramping, I do feel a little tender. I feel like I’m going through the motions of eating because I need to, not because I want to. It’s become a chore rather than something nice. I’m going to have to avoid a lot of the things I enjoy, fatty, spicy food (the mere thought of pizza hurts!), big cups of milky coffee, wine. The doctor didn’t tell me I had to, but, like I said, if thinking about a food can make me hurt, I’m not going to eat it!
On top of that I’ve had a cold, so I’m coughing up a lung as we speak! And working where I work, no one ever keeps ailments to themselves, so I thought it easier to tell my colleagues as our days are pretty much fuelled by tea and cake, neither of which I feel I can stomach, so I told them rather than face a barrage of questions. Everyone has been really nice, Jo says she’s had it before and Kim has had mysterious stomach issues for years, so is very helpful with her advice. I’m not usually one for sharing stuff like that, so it feels weird to be openly discussing farting and pooing with other people!

Last updated November 25, 2015

Bomb Shell November 25, 2015

Oh no I don't envy you having to produce a poo sample, I don't even want to think about collecting that...!

I hope the medication works for you, it sound horrific. You're probably doing the right thing, sticking to plain foods. You wouldn't want to irritate your digestive system any more.

Tuesday's Child November 26, 2015

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly :( but congratulations on passing your theory! I hate not knowing what I got wrong as well, it's so annoying!

Deleted user November 26, 2015

I had that when I was 18, the antibiotics I had were horrible!

Babe In Toyland Deleted user ⋅ November 26, 2015

I've heard the antibiotics are horrible, I'm on proton pump inhibitors until they find out exactly what it is. I hope I don't end up on the antibiotics, Jo told me she was prescribed anti nausea tablets with hers because they made her throw up. :(

Perpetually Plump November 26, 2015

Congrats on blowing the test away! Good job!

I have been having gallbladder issues, myself. It sucks. And is incredibly painful. Hope you get to feeling better!

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