Such Wretched Horse Shit in Book Two: The Fifteenth Year of the Third Millennium of the Common Era
- Nov. 17, 2015, 10:32 p.m.
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Wow.... wow.... just… holy fucking shit....
This morning, I woke up at 6 when my alarm went off. I decided… fuck the law library, I’m not going in 7 hours early. Went back to sleep.
Woke up again, got ready for the day… gave my wife a neckrub because her neck hurt (which… I know, I shouldn’t. It is never reciprocated. But… that’s me, I guess… always trying). Got to work in time to help train a new girl on court room stuff. Of course, Work Crush looked glorious today. Do kind of wish I could investigate but also very happy I can’t. I’m complicated. Court went by quickly. Returned to the office… my Boss gave me a bunch more work to do for the week because… of course he did. Then I trudged over to the law library. Where I found....
Wow. Wow. Just… holy fucking shit. If I don’t allow my most violent impulses to break the surface this week, it is because I should be put up for god-damned saint hood!
Before I left to visit my friend, I sent an e-mail to my boss’ boss. My boss was in Thailand thus, as per SOP, e-mails that need to be dealt with quickly go up the chain to his boss. We needed a CO in over the weekend as I had already been given Friday off and we still needed someone here on Saturday. As part of the job he gets paid $160k to do… he is required to make that ONE fucking phone call to make sure that gets taken care of! He did not. Therefore, nobody went through the Law Library after I left. Not. A. Single. Solitary. Soul. Which means my already PACKED TO SHIT week now has to find… scratch that… make time to do the work that wasn’t properly taken care of LAST WEEK. Furious right now. Furious and fuming. How can this jackass piece of shit continue to keep his job when he doesn’t even do the most basic elements of it. I sent this e-mail to my direct superior:
As requested, before I left for my three day weekend, I e-mailed BOSS and CC’d Work Crush about the housing units that still needed to be called. I also detailed the process of the week so as to justify why 8 housing units needed to be called over two days. Frankly, an easy task for COs as they average 4 housing units per day when they substitute here. That e-mail is contained below.
BOSS called no one. No CO was stationed in the Law Library over the weekend. None of the housing units or individuals (Cotton) were called in. Thus, instead of staying as up-to-date as possible… we are now 8 housing units behind. This will require considerable over time to fix and will not be fixed for at least a week as it will take significant time to fix all of this. Ultimately, by not calling in a CO for Friday and Saturday, BOSS has added a required 9 hours (at most conservative estimate) onto the next two weeks.
These are the kinds of issues that make the difficult task of working the law library simply untenable. The lackluster, sometimes degrading treatment from COs… the threats and inappropriate demands of inmates… and a complete lack of support.....
In short… expect a considerable number of grievances over the next several weeks as attempting to complete Kites, get last week’s inmates through and this week’s inmates through… all while doing as much training with Pedro as possible and working Kites.
Seriously… this kind of thing is inexcusable. If the law library is to run at all, it cannot be treated like a third-rate, unimportant burden that is dealt with when it “absolutely has to be.” Either the Law Library is part of Programs and is given the support it needs… or it is not part of Programs and can then be run by inmates or COs.
My direct superior’s response was “BOSS says sorry, he was busy. Let me know what you need.” SPINELESS weak-willed ineffectual WORM! What I need? I’ve sent you lists of what I need for weeks. I need security. I need a system that works. I need support when I tell someone we don’t change policy for a specific individual. What I need?! If you don’t know what this Law Library needs by now; there is no point in re-hashing the argument, you’ve already chosen to ignore us!
So now, I have literally hundreds of inmates and kites to do that should have been taken care of. I get notified that my direct boss said “CK can handle Weathers”… which is to say that my direct boss believes I will learn on my own the process for dealing with Pro Se evidence and inmate transfer… since, you know, I’ve received zero training in this… which has significant legal impact… even though, y’know, I’m not paid as or listed as an attorney… merely “hourly part time help.” Bullshit.
Adding to that glorious pile of absolute jackassery… my boss has been called in for an emergency meeting to discuss my overtime. because overtime is bad. Except… wait a minute… when you have ONE person in a department that requires 60 hours of labor… what the fuck else do you expect, you absolute ridiculous excuses for shitty fucking humans?! I don’t even care if they fire me over this shit. I know they won’t… but I’d almost welcome that. Yes. Fire me. Attempt to put someone else in this position that doesn’t have my work ethic… and when they tell you to shove it up your ass… I won’t be the least bit surprised.
Honestly… I don’t know why I don’t quit. I should. Honestly. Really. I should. I should totally quit. Because this place isn’t helping me to get a job. And the money is nice, but they are trying to dick me out of that. So… why don’t I quit?
Bitch of it is this damned cycle. This damned, continuing, never ending horrid cycle. (1) This job doesn’t count as a legal job and isn’t giving me any legal experience. (2) This job is destroying all of my time that I would spend looking for a job or gaining legal experience. (3) There are no job openings nor opportunities to gain legal experience. (4) So I either waste away here, getting constantly UBER shat on; or I waste away in desperate almost-certain to fail attempts at getting a proper job.
I even contacted a friend that works at a call center. Because… yeah. Just… so sick of feeling like this whole employment thing is shitting on me.
I had to be at the jail tonight until 2130. So I have approximately 2 hours (max) to do anything with the rest of the day. Because I have to be up early since I have court in the morning. Gr. And another big ol’ middle finger to the people that want to take away “Overtime Pay” for me. You can’t have me work 13 hour days and not pay me… assclowns.
So for the rest of the evening… I’ll write a letter to some Attorneys I met several years ago and try in as professional a way as possible say “HELP ME! Somehow! Give me contacts or experience or a job or SOMETHING!”
And then tomorrow… in the 30 minutes between Court and Law Library… I will call one of my professor’s husbands and say “HELP ME! Somehow! Give me contacts or experience or a job or SOMETHING!” We’ll see if ANY of it matters.
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