NoJoMo12 in NoJoMo15
- Nov. 12, 2015, 8:26 a.m.
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What are some traits and looks that you inherited from your dad?
Well as many of you know I was quite close to my Dad and I think I was fortunate enough to inherit his open mind and his ability to see a little past the surface of things. Physically I do think I take more from his side of the family, although both my grandmother’s were shorter, my Dad’s side has the early male pattern baldness gene and apparently there is a link to men with that and daughters with PCOS, so I’m guessing I get a lot from that side, lol.
What are some traits and looks that you inherited from your mom?
My Mom had an eidetic memory, like Sheldon on Big Bang. Her recall may not have been Sheldon good but very close, my memory is nowhere near that but I do have this great recall for details that other people seem to miss, I imagine that is from her. I inherited her love of reading although these days my reading lacks, mainly I blame the computer bc it’s easier to sit here and read then go off by myself and read, lame I know, lol. My Mom’s side, although, missing my Mom, had larger boob syndrome so I am guessing that came from there, lol.
For a very long time growing up I really thought I was adopted. I don’t look a lot like my family, they all have black hair, me, I have brown with red tones (which of course I now enhance with henna, lol) blue or brown eyes and I have hazel. Oh ya, curly hair, they all have this beautiful curly hair, my hair was so thick as a kid it would weigh curls right down and out. None of them had weight issues but me, so ya, for a long time I thought I was adopted.
I am so very thankful for both of my parents. Their influence was enormous. Their love and care and just knowing they were always there got me thru so much in life. I was very fortunate.
I am also very thankful for my kids, who knew you could love in such a way that consumes you without using you up (well almost as some of you know, lol).
I am very thankful for all of my family, my sister and her husband, my in laws, cousins, nieces and nephews, they are all amazing people in their own ways.
I am so incredibly thankful for our newest family member, my grandson, who I get to see in three weeks, three short weeks, woohoo!!! And again I will repeat this, grandparenting really is the cherry on the parenting sundae, he is such an amazing gift to us in so many ways.
I am also very thankful for my furry family members, thru the years I’ve had various pets and I can’t imagine our family being complete without them. The unconditional love a pet can give is like no other, I am so blessed to have had that not just once but multiple times with multiple pets throughout my life.
And you know I am thankful for you all.
Happy Thursday!!
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