Survey in Surveys!
- Nov. 4, 2015, 7:20 p.m.
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- Public
When was the last time you went in the car past midnight? Well, I don’t know. We were home before midnight on the 30th. Maybe Harry Potter movie night at the beginning of October?
So, you have brown eyes? Yes.
What was the last thing you ate? Cheese, American.
Can you say you’re happy? Today I am tired.
What’s bothering you right now? Nothing specific, that’s about all I can commit to
Who was the last person to text you? Time To Clay, Gram’s plate is done.
What are you drinking right now? Snapple Lemon Tea and Water
What all did you do today? Shower, packed lunch, did my hair, had breakfast, kindergarten, lunch, second grade, stopped at the store, mailed the rent check, did the dishes/mopped the kitchen, in bed.\
Why did you last laugh really hard? Um, it’s been a few days
How is your hair? Half pulled up
Could things possibly get any better? Sure, of course.
How are you feeling at the moment? Lazy.
Do you have feelings for someone? Yes, I have feeling for many people.
What was for dinner tonight? I had cheese, American. Liam had left over pulled pork (I would have too but I had it for lunch)
Would you be able to name everyone you kissed? Um, yes, but I won’t. The most important intimate kiss was with Liam and he’ll be (hopefully) the last one.
Are you in a good mood? I’m good right now
Where is the last person you kissed? Liam
What color shirt are you wearing? A teal Eddie Bauer shirt from Sam’s Club, I love them, it’s man style.
Do you think you could ever make it as a rap singer? hahahaha
How important are looks to you? I think we all like to have someone nice to look at, but I’m more interested in personality
Did you have a fling this summer but it didn’t really go anywhere? Um, no.
Do you get jealous? Yes, normally when I’m experience some sort of mania/panic/anxiety
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because I like kissing him.
What is something you currently want? Iced Dunks
What was the last thing you bought? Cigs and a tea
What was the weather like today? Super nice. Around 63 all afternoon. Sunny
Do you like sushi? Yes, but I’m picky. I’m not real big on the raw stuff but white fish raw is edible.
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? No, I just got it trimmed
Ever kissed anyone with a nipple piercing? Um, no.
What about a lip piercing? I don’t think so.
Nose piercing? No
Do you like your hair? I want it to be longer but it’s growing
Have you ever kissed someone who had a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes, but they were separated for years and were both seeing other people long before I came along
Did you like kissing the last person you kissed or the one before that more? Liam is the best, for sure.
Ever made out in a pool? Yes
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it? I imagine so
What was the last movie you watched? Nightmare on Elm Street, on Halloween
Which one: Juggling or badminton? Neither…
Does a person using the word “Dude” make you think less of them because they don’t seem as educated enough to use other words? No way, I say like all the time when I am nervous or just trying to think. Dude is a similar word
How do you think it’ll feel to be 19? If you already reached that age, how was/is it? 19 was okay, not the greatest year
About how far can you count to before you get real bored and go watch some TV instead? I dunno, I suppose if I had time to waste I could do that (I do have time to waste, I just don’t want to)
Have you ever won a game of Minesweeper? I think I did, once. That game was the suck
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I like now I tan in the summer, it might be nice to keep that tan all year
Where did you get drunk last? I was buzzed on Friday.
Are you more worried about marriage or a career? I’m married, and I’m working towards a career. I’m not really worried about either
Do you get depressed if you don’t get any friend requests on Facebook for a few days? No, in fact I’ve gotten some requests but I say no and I often delete “friends”
Are you living in the same place you were living in a year ago? Yes
What is your hair naturally like? Straight, brown, lots of it but it’s fine.
If you found $20, what would you spend it on? A book, bacon, or dunks, though I bet I could find a way to do all three
Have you had an x-ray in the past year? No.
Do you speak any foreign languages? Yes I speak a little Spanish
Was your last kiss in the last 24 hours? Yes
Is anything bothering you right now? Not right now
Have you ever liked someone older than you? Yes, men mature slower than women (this is proven, not sexist) and so I often prefer someone older.
Do you think they should make silent vacuum cleaners? Nah, I get some satisfaction from hearing it running smoothly.
What’s something you wish to change in your life? More money, less debt
Have you ever shouted at random people from inside a moving car? No
Have you consumed alcohol in the past 24 hours? No but I could.
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