Where can I find the list of topics for NOJOMO? in JabberWokie
- Nov. 4, 2015, 11:29 a.m.
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I will copy what I find for topics so far. NOJOMO Day One:
1. 5 of top pics for Bucket List
I will just name five that I think I can remember as I don’t have them in any hierarchy form.
1. Ride on the largest Ferris Wheels I can find. I think the largest one in the US is at the Texas state fair every year.
2. I have always wanted to somehow change something for the better for many people in a big way like write an important book or a thoughtful song or work on some type of legislation or something.
3. Travel some.I have always wanted to spend a night with the Gypsies and dance, party and sing. I think of visiting Tibet, Peru, Thialand, Greece, Spain, France and England at times but I am lucky to just make it to Florida really.
4. I would love to spend a year (at least) with orphaned children, just loving them, playing with them and caring for their needs. I think it would be really fulfilling to help change the lives of others for the better.
5. ummm, I don’t know, it has been a long time since I have written my bucket list ( and this is a good thing not to be pre-occupied with). I think my original bucket list disappeard with OD, but I may have a paper copy somewhere.
Day Two: What was the last thing I thought of before I went to sleep last night? I know it was late and I was flipping channels and ran across Houda and Kathy Lee Gifford. I listened for about 15 minutes before I realized how stupid it was and thought “sleep would be better than this.” I shut the tv off and went to bed.
I don’t know the next two days’ topics so I will rundown today/tonight. Today. pretty much uneventful, nonenergetic. Went to the good Physical Therapist today and he helped with massage and reviewed the stretches I need to do. Got a phone call at 9 a.m. asking me to work tonight so here I sit. I cleaned most of the bathrooms at 2 a.m. other than one of them. A certain resident was in there for 45 minutes so I just gave up and put the cleaners away, not going to worry about it.
I don’t think I wrote about the meltdown I had Halloween night. I have felt lots of stress from my ankle hurting, from arthritis pain with Winter beginning, from not knowing what to do with my future and contemplating where to move, to go on to school or not, wanting a home, wanting a dog, missing my kids, the anniversary of my dads death. Well I reached the boiling and then melting point and Smiles had something to do with putting me over the top, although he didn’t know it until the tidal wave came. I honestly had squeezing in my chest, my right arm hurt and pain and stiffness into my shoulder and jaw. I know these are signs of heart attack in women and it was a bit scary. I knew I was just overwhelmed but I was concerned about what was happening in my body. I had to come to work and thankfully a resident helps me do some duties because of my foot. I could not have done the night without him. I wasn’t all the way relaxed with out feeling stress until 4 in the morning. I really did have a big meltdown and what was probably not great is I had to stuff it and come to work. I really just wanted to cry and let it all out for a couple of hours. I can’t tell you how vulnerable I felt with all this crap coming out. I was ready for it to be the end with me and Smiles and instead he held me and gave me comfort. I have been waiting for more of a reaction from him in the past few days and he has only been sweet. This confused me. Tonight he said he loves me and wants me in his life. We then began a deep conversation about his family that is not there and then there was a knock at the door, a visitor. Bad timing. I was getting ready for work and headed out the door…There goes that conversation…
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