Not worldly in Stuff

  • Nov. 1, 2015, 7:21 a.m.
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I made it! Well, through my final shift that is :D
Phew, it dragged on though.

I was too excited to even go to the gym. Haha, lame excuse I know. I’ve vowed that I will go before I leave on Tuesday though. That is the day after tomorrow! Wooooo.

Of course, though, I did hear about the Russian plane crash over Egypt :( 224 people dead. It’s usually always that number, as I believe that’s a full plane?
I dunno. So sad though. And the fucking media sits there and shows images of devastated family members at the airport watching the arrival screens in a vain hope that they’ve got the flight number wrong or something. So fucking cruel.

So yeah. Now that’s on my mind. There is every damn possibility my plane could go down. But I even think that when I’m on the 1.5hr flights to Sydney. Granted, that is sometimes Tiger, so my chances of hitting the ground from 32,000 feet are probably raised :P
Not a joking matter though. These people lost their lives, and what a horrible way to go. Such a horrific way to go. Knowing you’re so high up and the impact is inevitable. Ergh. I guess the only thing I’d hope is that I’d die before I felt the pain. I know that’s bloody morbid, but things like this happen.
They are still waiting to find out what happened to that plane - ie the cause of it crashing. Suspicions are mechanical failure.

Then, they still haven’t even found MH370. How horrible for those families, not even having closure.

I’m flying Qantas, who have a near-perfect or perfect safety record, which is comforting. From Hong Kong, I am flying Virgin Atlantic, but I’m not sure of their safety rating. All I can do is try not to think about the Russian plane crashing and focus on trying to enjoy myself on my first ever long-haul flight.
I’m still not even sure I’ll get through customs without any issues.

The thing is, I’m not worldly. I’m far from it. I’m nearly 32 years old and I have never left my home country (Australia). Not even on an island-hop over to New Zealand or Indonesia. Ironically, I learned Indonesian as a second language in school, and I used to be quite good at it. These days, I only remember the numbers and a few swear words lol. Oh and ‘hi’, ‘welcome’ and ‘my name is.’

I don’t know what to expect. From the moment I get off the plane at Heathrow, I know I will get lost lol. I have all my maps and details printed out with where to go, but I still know I’ll be in a foreign place and I’ll take a while to get settled in. Thankfully for me, at least England is English-speaking. It’s when I arrive in Paris, alone, that I’ll be in for a real challenge. Most of the time I will be with other people, but initially, I will have to try and find out where they are so that we can meet up.
So yeah, talk about a little intimidating. I know I can say ‘Bonjour’, but if someone says a sentence to me or asks a question, I’m sure I will be bringing out my blank-stare face.
Maybe I should just wear my headphones and pretend to fit in. You know, like a wanker lol. Maybe I can find a beret, adopt a holier-than-thou attitude, mince like a true French gay and walk around munching on a croissant? :D

I’ve probably just offended anyone else who has actually been to France.
Stereotypes, I know.
Just like us Aussies. Americans think we all ride around on kangaroos and have huge spiders just chilling everywhere LOL.

I’m sure I will be surprised learning my own way each day around London and England. I’ll find out if they really do all have bad teeth, party wildly (thanks Geordie Shore!) and have unprotected sex without reservation (thanks Embarrassing Bodies!).

I found out one of my older workmates was born in Rotterdam. So that’s pretty cool. She was very excited to learn I was going to her birth country.

Here’s hoping I arrive safe. Tomorrow will be double-checking I have what I need, leaving stuff home that I won’t necessarily need, and making sure I am under the 7kg limit.
I considered just checking in my empty big suitcase, but I really have nowhere to store the damn thing for four weeks. I might as well just buy another one over there as I’m about to leave. Will probably cost heaps, but can’t be as much as they are here, surely. A customer at work was lugging around a suitcase as big as my big one is, and it just confirmed that I don’t wanna be lugging something like that onto packed trains and hostel room lockers that don’t have the room or size requirements to fit the damn thing.

I really hope I’m not in for a cavity search in two days time. I’m already planning to arrive three hours early, but maybe I should make it four, you know, cos I’m not worldly and aren’t sure what I’m in for.

Edit: My mother just rang me. Haha, she’s worried for me. It’s so cute. She’s like ‘They can come up behind you and cut your backpack straps’ lol. I won’t have a backpack, but I informed her that even if they do, my personal stuff will be on me. I then hesitated before adding, “They’ll have to knock me out to get to that.”
She’s like, “Don’t tell me that!”
I replied, “That’s why I hesitated.”
Haha. She’s looking forward to all my photos.
It’s nice someone cares.

Last updated November 01, 2015

crunchie November 01, 2015

While we did have a kangaroo hopping around our street at 6am yesterday morning, I however was not riding it! haha

wintergrey November 01, 2015

What, you don't have giant spiders all over the place??? Hope your flights go well. I'm sure you'll be ok once you are here, it's not the wild west here. :) have a good trip, looking forward o your stories and photos! Take care,

nothinglikeyou November 01, 2015

I have been gone from just hearing about this, this week!. So excited for you! I loved England and Scotland. I actually stayed in Newcastle upon Tyne before they made the show. Ha. It is definitely a party town and they're pretty much spot on about it! Safe travels and I will be watching for updates.

KissOfLife! nothinglikeyou ⋅ November 02, 2015

Thanks! :D I still won't know where to start when I get there.

~Octopussy~ November 04, 2015

I'm seeing your check-ins on Facebook and every time I see it, I scream in my heart for you.

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