REALLY? in JabberWokie
- Oct. 21, 2015, 10:56 a.m.
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I work the graveyard. I work with no coworkers, yet I still get the drama. It is the person who works 2-10 weekdays that funnels shit to me. I have to get a run down of any events, (which nothing she says is very noteworthy or relevant) plus she writes it down log in the log anyways. She gets in little remarks here and there and then mentions, this and that. Always acting like, oh you don’t want to hear this or you don’t need to know this and then tells me anyways. She channels certain comments from others to me. I know she just either wants to gossip or get my statements to repeat them or both. The main kitchen lady (cook) is also mostly just full of herself. They both love to hear themselves talk. I can imagine the f’kd up stuff that is said when they get together in the afternoon.
I just want to do my job and then leave me alone. They get in these conversations when I am not around and then try to run my ship when I am here. I have not heard one thing from my boss lady. Not one thing. Then the afternoon lady will say “well if “boss” has not said anything to you then never mind”. I’m already there stupid. It is just her way of trying to run things the way she thinks they should be. REALLY? It just does not quit anywhere you work for goodness sake. On a side note:
Did I tell you I am going to be a Grandmother again? Due date is June 9th. Ugh the cooks is here now. What a morning spoiler. fk....
I have lots of things to say but won’t type them all. I went to my RA doctor today and she told me to get off the graveyard shift, that it is no good for people with my disease. I told her I was hoping to be off it by the new year. (As soon as I do my one credit class that starts tonight finally). Today is also the day I start PT for my ankle.
Smiles and I are good but I told him I hope he would consider moving, that I was’t going to stay in this town. There I said it. I threw it out. I don’t want to live forever in the frozen tundra. Two days ago it was in the 60s we hung outside, had a fire in the fire pit and grilled out. That fire pit was where our first date was. : ) Yesterday morn getting off work it was windy blustery a new front coming in. ( will miss some of the torid weather). Windy all day yesterday but it s all good to me as long as there is no snow. This early morning , just a short hour ago, in the dark– I stepped outside to cool off from cleaning and there was thunder and it started to snow sleet, almost, biting cold rain, just about on the sleet side.
My brother that was so deathly ill a couple weeks ago is now much better thankfully. Scary stuff. I am not ready to lose a loved one. Never will be. Yay, my work ends in 12 minutes. I have not been great at doing my homework lately at work, when I should be doing at least 70 percent of it. Last night when I want to do the bathrooms they all needed too much work, as in my alter night co staff had not been doing her job for four nights. so an hour and 40 minutes later I was done. Also I have been letting myself sleep or doze for two hours during work the past 3 nights. I think it helps me a bit. Rather than force myself to stay awake . Yes boss says it is ok to nap at work as long as the phone is next to me and I am located where residents can find me in the main room. Ok time to go…Whoot!
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