your permanent horoscope in poetry
- Oct. 3, 2015, 7:24 p.m.
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- Public
The moon will take almost no note of you today.
The sun will not whatsoever but it’s okay.
In a life this short, use it to your advantage.
Slip between the cracks of grand significance.
Adventure in the spaces in-between.
Almost no one’s looking.
Almost no one cares.
Almost no one can see you without squinting.
So have some fun while you’re there.
The gods are busy holding up the stars.
The kings are busy sleeping with their maids.
The priests are busy begging for your shekels.
The Earth is busy looking for a little shade.
You’re a speck on a dot circling a grain.
Circling the drain.
Too much concern for propriety
is not exactly fucking sane.
Have some fun while you’re here.
Last updated October 03, 2015
Squidobarnez ⋅ October 03, 2015
amen to this!
Narrator ⋅ October 09, 2015
Donuts in the parking lot!