Groovy Grenade in Hello

  • Oct. 1, 2015, 10:27 p.m.
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  • Public

Dreaming of a weapon called the groovy grenade.

When it explodes, instead of shrapnel, peace symbols fly out and the enemy starts hugging each other and swaying like hippies.

Just a thought…

Deleted user October 01, 2015

So, like, a grenade with X in it? we're gonna need a bigger DJ.

I wish people were like this, though.

J.E. Deleted user ⋅ October 02, 2015

Thank you.
Kind of got the idea from the Borderlands game series where there is a grenade that steals health from the enemy and replenishes yours. There is a cartoon image of the red cross flying towards them then back to you. I just pictured peace symbols in the similar vein. But I could pull a, "Men Who Stares At Goats," and get an entire company of troops on acid. That'd be neat to see.

Changing October 01, 2015

That's been done sorta. Vietnam our guys tested STP a major hallucinogenic drug by spraying it on the enemy! I've know people who tripped for 3 days on that stuff! But it blew back on some of our guys and so they canceled it! But hey, keep working it.

J.E. Changing ⋅ October 02, 2015

Shit. I've met a couple of 'Nam be honest I don't think I've ever come across a sane 'Nam vet.

Tempestuous1 April 09, 2017

That is too funny!

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