Gimme Something Good by Ryan Adams in The Song Remembers When
- Oct. 1, 2015, 11:59 a.m.
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He’s gotten a lot of press recently for covering the entirety of Taylor Swift’s 1989 album, which is good because people finally know who he is and don’t immediately think of Bryan Adams when they hear his name.
I first heard about Ryan Adams when I read a review of his album Gold. It was just days after 9/11 and they were talking about his fusion of rock and country. I bought it and immediately found comfort music. I was an absolute mess in the wake of 9/11 and his song “New York, New York” was incredibly comforting.
He’s one of those artists where his music has always been there at every stage of my adult life. I have every one of his albums, which can be something of a chore with him because I remember one year he came out with three albums of completely different material. For almost ten years, he usually put out an album a year (at least), but then he abruptly stopped and the rumors were that he was going deaf from playing too loud. I don’t know if they were true, but his output slowed way, way down.
That’s why when he resurfaced with a new song last year, I was incredibly excited. It perfectly captures what his music is: sharp, catchy, yet somewhat depressing at the same time. So, from last year, here is Gimme Something Good from Ryan Adams.
Why not just toss some other great ones in here because I really can’t choose just one Ryan Adams song?
Lucky Now from Ashes & Fire
Oh My God, Whatever, Etc. from Easy Tiger 9h-wXlvVg
This House Is Not For Sale from Love Is Hell
Anybody Wanna Take Me Home from Rock N Roll and Love Is Hell (He put the same song on two different albums, and they are just about exactly the same)
Cry On Demand from Demolition
Gonna Make You Love Me from Gold
New York, New York from Gold
And for good measure, since you’ve been so patient…
Style from 1989
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