Mew in The Past

  • Sept. 28, 2015, 7:45 p.m.
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The relationship with Nathan is going well. We spent all day Saturday together, and find that we still enjoy each other’s company, which is a good thing. He met Mom and Maili and hasn’t ran off screaming. They seemed to like him. Which is always nice.

Today hasn’t been the best of days for me. First off, I ran out of anti-depressants last night and didn’t have any for this morning, so emotionally I was wonked a bit while the anti-ds were low in my system. Silly, well, more like, stupid, I know, but mew. So yeah, that started it out icky, and then I got to work and things were okay. I worked on my end of month stuff, cleaned up my desk, that sort of thing. Then I got the email from Urban Craft Uprising. For the third year in a row, I didn’t get in to UCU. That kind of really wonked me, especially since I didn’t have the meds I should have. I got through work well enough. Nathan’s emailing me helped a lot, mainly because he pulled me out of my pity party. After work, I went out to eat at Mel’s, and have started working on plan B.

I’m contacting a couple photographers to see if I can get a decent price on pictures of my buttons, and I’m also looking up faires and events to sign up for for the winter. Granted, I’m also holding the guinea pig and trying to ignore the fact that once again I’m feeling all alone. >.< I don’t know. I’m just meh.

Last updated December 24, 2016

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