Long year already in Life
- Sept. 25, 2015, 1:36 a.m.
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I keep coming in to write a post, I read some and then head out. It’s been a rough rough year so far. Lots of stress and worry. I don’t want to keep posting pouting, venting entries. And yet here I go again. Just to catch up in bullet-ish fashion.
We’re almost 6 weeks in. In some ways the year is flying and in others it’s like slogging through quicksand. There are some sweet kids, and some struggles. I will be doing my traditional start of year entry in the next few days when I have a little more time. (Not tonight....too tired.)
Because of a combination of things, moving kids, kids moving in, etc. My homeroom is now at 29 while the other two are at 26/27. 5 of those kids are resource - special needs, including a severely autistic, another almost as severe autistic, and one who is officially mild/moderate (that’s severed disabled - like functioning at a 4/5 year old level). I love them, but they’re exhausting.
We had our first parent conferences a week and a half or so ago. There are 82 kids in 4th grade. We probably saw about 60 or so kids’ parents/guardians. My first was at 12:10 and I didn’t have a break all day/night. They were supposed to end at 6:30 and we walked out of there at 5 min to 8. However, almost an hour of that was with one parent. Once crazy, psycho parent. Literally the worst parent conference I’ve EVER had. After lots of demands, screaming, cussing, etc on her part I told her I would make her copies of EVERYTHING we did, send her a list of the grades we would take for the week and what they would look like, meet with her daughter before school, during specials and after school (the student’s cousin is a student teacher at our school), AND I gave her my home and cell number. She snapped at me that she was tired of no at at the school being willing to help her. I honestly thought my head might explode at that point. I walked her to the door and told her that there was obviously nothing I could do to help her and waited for her to leave. We’re still dealing with that and her. That’s a big part of the stress.
Oh…and Bitchy J’s son is in our class this year. So much fun. He doesn’t work. He doesn’t participate, and he doesn’t even try. She says it’s our problem, not hers.
To end on a good note - Cbaby and I are going to Comic Con next month. Nerdishly excited about that! I’ve never been and have no idea how good Louisiana can do one, but we’re both all geeked out over it. Tootie has been invited to go and politely declined, saying, “That’s y’alls thing.” lol I feel sorry for her.
Jigger ⋅ September 24, 2015
I already want a restraining order on that parent. And Bitchy J...I don't understand how she's allowed to carry on like she does. As awful as MFK's school situation is, at least he's got supportive administration.
dream seeker Jigger ⋅ September 24, 2015
That's the frustrating thing, in some ways my principal is amazingly supportive, but in others she's got blinders on.
Jigger dream seeker ⋅ September 24, 2015
Well, she's going to frustrate and burn out a lot of good teachers if she keeps coddling one bad one.
Small Town Girl ⋅ September 24, 2015
:( Sorry this year is starting out in the pot! I hope it will kick into better and smoother gears here for you soon!
terriberri ⋅ September 25, 2015
it certainly does sound like you are being greatly tested. out of the hardest things, usually come some of the most beautiful things. hang in there hon. i couldn't do what you do....and i know it takes it a special person to be able to, which is why i KNOW you are special!
i hope things level out....and that this one mother gets off your back. i do have a question tho, and i hope it doesn't come out wrong...cause i don't mean for it to. if a student functions at the level of a 4/5 year old...why isn't he/she in a class for that specific stage or help? it just seems like an awfully hard challenge for both teacher and student....and i don't mean a rewarding one....for either one.
ja would love comicon, lol.
dream seeker terriberri ⋅ September 25, 2015
For most of the day he's in a resource room. He has to have a certain number of minutes with "regular" 4th graders. That's always in science and social studies, so they're with me. Usually it's not too bad, but the numbers are the highest ever this year.
Deleted user ⋅ October 11, 2015
I know you will triumph through this year despite all the craziness and as so many have said before me ; it's because you are special, super smart, compassionate and a natural born teacher. You are one in a million and I admire your skills greatly . I shudder to think what those children would do without you. Shame on that Crazy Parent. You offered her the moon in help. She has to be a personality disorder ! I won't even touch Bitchy J. I think I would just jump her in a dark alley and black both her eyes! :-)