Totally Twitterpated in The Past

  • Sept. 23, 2015, 4:21 a.m.
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So, yeah. I’ve got it. Bad.

So. In my last entry I mentioned the guy I met on Craigslist? Yeah, he’s still around, moreso than ever. His name is Nathan, he’s 31, from Shelton and I’m crushing hardcore. We went out on a date last Friday. It was a double date, with his best friend, his friend’s girlfriend, and the two of us and I don’t think I’ve had that much fun on a date, ever. We went to AFK, which is a game themed Bar and Eatery. We had a lot of fun, chatting and teasing one another, laughing and drinking. I love the sound of his laugh. He’s got his shit together, so much more so than most of the guys I know. There’s just so much shit that once we started talking, I realized I didn’t have to wade through. He has a 5 year old son, who’s nickname is “Monkey,” because he likes climbing and hanging off of things. One of the first things he said to me once he told me he was a father is that he’s not looking for a mother for his son, his son has a mother, and he’s not going to bring someone in to take over that bond, and I’m totally good with that. He also said that he’s not going to introduce me to Monkey until either we decide that we’re just going to be friends, or we’re semi-serious enough that he knows I’m not going to just dip.

That’s just one of a dozen or so conversations we’ve had where I’m amazed at how our minds and values synch up. It’s odd and there’s a part of me who’s waiting for the other shoe to drop, but the majority of me is happily along for the ride. We’re going out again this weekend, to the local comic shop’s fundraiser for cancer research.

The downside to this all is that Court’s acting fucking weird. He’s going back and forth between being completely depressed and fighting and yelling at me… I spent last night with my sister and flat out told him that if he didn’t shut the fuck up and leave me be, then I’d leave and not come back. Which is one of his worst fears, but meh. We’re getting along okay tonight, back to ignoring each other, which I can handle. But before we came to this stalemate, it wasn’t pretty.

In other news… The button business is picking up. lol Not so much the individual buttons, which I’m still working on organizing and taking pictures of and the like, but wholesale orders are going nuts. I really have Brandon to thank, he’s been working on getting me orders and whatnot and people are loving what I’m making so the orders are stacking up. Luckily Maili and Mom are both helping me out, as are Bobbert and a few other people that I can convince to play with the button machine, lol.

So yeah, for the most part, everything’s going pretty well here. Even though Violet’s mad at me again, lol.

Last updated December 25, 2016

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