Conversation with the boss: (Edit) in Hello.

  • Sept. 10, 2015, 12:18 p.m.
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Me: “I’m going to get all my hair cut off.”

Dawn: “Really? Like, how do you mean?

“Really short. Like Allison’s (colleague), but shorter.”

“Wow. When?”

“Some time in the next couple of weeks. It’s in such a bad state, I can’t stand it anymore. I’m going back to my natural colour. See my roots?”

“What about your fringe? You’ll look so different without a fringe!”

“Pft, it’s hair. It will grow back!”

“Haha, you’re so impulsive! Wouldn’t change you for the world!”

Can’t believe I’ve been so chicken about telling her. I think Jo made me nervous by telling me I should have asked her permission first. Permission, lol!
At this point she ran off, so I didn’t have chance to tell her I was doing it for Macmillan and I was after sponsorship!
So it’s final, I’m not going full skinhead, I’m going very short pixie. Still extreme, but it might mean I won’t have the hassle of the wig!
Just over a week till I get it done. :)

Seriously, seriously thinking about climbing Kilimanjaro for charity in 2017. I’ve wanted to do it since I saw it and skirted the bottom in 2005. How feasible is it to go from fat couch potato to slim, fit person in two years? I’ll be 44 by then! :/

Rob is working every day, except Sunday, between now and going to uni. He said he’s going to start getting his stuff together tomorrow. I’ve asked him to clean the blutack off his walls, as I’m going to repaint them before Bel moves in. I’ve bought him a frying pan, set of knives, corkscrew and can opener from work (I get a 30% discount, woo!), all he needs are some dishes and a mixing/serving bowl. I don’t know if he’ll use the latter, but he’s asked me for one!

Last updated September 10, 2015

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