Random Survey Thing in Diary
- Sept. 10, 2015, 12:11 p.m.
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- Public
When did you get up today? 7am.
Is there anyone that could make your day if they showed up at your house?
Any of my friends because they never come to see me, my parents and my sister because they live a long way away and it’s difficult to see them very often.
How old was the last person you rode in a car with? I was giving someone a lift to the roller derby game in Manchester at the weekend and she’s 39. I’d never spoken to her before so there was lots of awkward small talk and ages was one of the things we awkwardly talked about. It came up when we were talking about gigs, she said she’d seen Nirvana live twice and I didn’t think she seemed old enough to have been able to, so she told me her age.
Do you have big plans for the weekend? Saturday I have my first public roller derby game, excite! Sunday is my first full day off with no plans for absolutely weeks and I’m looking forward to it. Although I’ll probably spend most of the day doing housework and running errands because I’ve had no time to do it all lately.
How long have you lived at your current residence? Three years next month. We moved in on October 13th 2012, which was one day after my 31st birthday. I’d always said I wanted to own my own home by the time I was 30, and technically I did own it when I was 30, but we moved in when I was 31.
When was the last time you were up at 5am? A few weeks ago. I work shifts so I’m often up at 4:30am.
What was the last movie you saw in theaters and who did you go with? Ant Man with Jay. This was 28th July which is a shockingly long time ago. If I had the time and money I would happily go to the cinema at least once a week.
When was the last time you went bowling? I really can’t remember, it was a few years ago and I think I went with my mam and dad. It might have been when we were on holiday in Spain.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? No.
The Eiffel Tower? Yes I went with my ex, Pete, in 2005 I think. I wasn’t too excited by Paris to be honest, it didn’t live up to the massive hype that everyone had given it about it being the most romantic city in the world, beautiful etc. There was a lot of dog poo in the streets, which took away a lot of its charm.
The Great Wall of China? No
How old were you in 1999? 17 and 18.
How many funerals have you been to this year? None. I’ve been to three funerals in my lifetime and they were all Jay’s relatives. I’ve been lucky not to have lost anyone close to me in my life so far.
When was the last time you spent a night stargazing? We looked at the stars in Devon in July, as we don’t get a clear enough sky around here where we live, what with light pollution and everything. I have an app on my phone that identifies the stars, planets and satellites. It’s always fun seeing if we can spot ISS and then thinking about the people that are in there, all that way up.
Are you taller than 5’6”? Yes by a whole half inch.
What were you doing last night at 10pm? Taking off my stinky roller derby pads after a training session.
Do you have a favourite pillow you always sleep with? I like my pillows as thin as possible and sometimes even end up pushing the pillow away completely and just sleeping on my arm.
When was the last time you slept in someone else’s bed?
Do hotels count? If they do, it was two weeks ago. If they don’t, I stayed in my mam and dad’s spare room at the beginning of August.
Are there any candles in the room you’re in?
No, I’m at work (it’s quiet today so I’m doing this in between calls.)
If you turn around, what is behind you?
Workmates, desks and computers.
Would you dye your hair hot pink for $50?
This isn’t even a question, of course I would.
Do you know what you’d have been named had you been born the opposite sex? Haha yeah. I was named after my mam’s uncle Michael, so I would have been Michael. As I turned out to be a girl, they called me Michelle instead. I guess it could have been Michaela but I’m glad they went with Michelle
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? I have no idea, I keep all my clothes for years and years until they’re worn out. Partly because I like to get my money’s worth, partly because I get attached to stuff. So I can’t remember where most of my clothes came from.
Where was the last place you spent more than $50? It was probably boring grocery shopping in Asda.
Are there any buttons on the clothes you’re wearing? No.
Are your fingernails painted? They were, but now they’re chipped to hell. I should sort that out.
I hope you were thrilled by that.
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