Sundae in Hello.

  • Sept. 6, 2015, 2:23 p.m.
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Sitting here listening to Rob play a medley of guitar intros in his room. I’m sure the neighbours are loving it. So far we’ve had Enter Sandman, Stairway to Heaven, Toxicity, Killing in the Name Of and something by Nick Drake. Shame he can’t actually play a tune all the way through, but his intros are very good!
This time in a fortnight, we’ll be in Ormskirk, dropping off him and his stuff at student halls. Those who’ve been friends with me for a long time will know what a big step this is. The kid who was a tearaway at primary school, got kicked out of one secondary school, got into trouble with the law on numerous occasions, is now going to uni to study criminology. The house is going to be quiet without him, that’s for sure. Everything is sorted. He’s got his student finance, his deposit paid on the halls, he’s getting a lift with my dad, my nana is giving him various bits of cutlery, crockery and a set of pans she won at bingo, John’s bought part of his reading list. Rob has been clearing a load of crap out of his room and, for the first time in years, is actually sitting in the living room with me in the evenings, watching films, drinking wine and discussing music. I wonder how he’ll feel when he’s actually left on his own, away from home and family? He’ll have no problem making friends, he’s always been good at talking to strangers, but I can’t help worrying!

We’ve been trying to do fun stuff with the kids before they go back to school. It’s difficult with limited funds and no car, but we’ve had walks, cycle rides, picnics and playing in the park. A couple of days ago I took them to a nearby farm I’d heard about that does nice ice cream. I couldn’t believe the place, I fell in love! We ate our lunch looking out over the fells, wandered round looking at their little petting farm (including a llama that would put its ears back and appear to smile if we got our cameras out!), played in a yurt, walked round their nature trail and had a delicious ice cream. And all within a two mile walk of the house! Think I might have to make it a regular thing. Bel went back with her cousin yesterday and they had a go on the kid’s quad bike track, which was only £1.
Then last night, I took Bel to the local venue and we watched two really good local bands. The main attraction, a Byrds inspired five piece called Kontiki Suite, were absolutely amazing. John’s sister, who does a lot of voluntary work at the centre, was compere for the evening, and she was over the moon! She’s loved the band for ages and she came and sat next to me and just gushed over how beautiful the singer was, not only to me, but also to her mother in law on the other side! This is them, the sound they created in the tiny venue was amazing!

The Tour of Britain (a massive televised bike race) is starting in my little town on Tuesday. All the shops have been asked to decorate their windows with yellow and/or bikes for the event. Our shop has got an enormous teddy bear, wearing a yellow t shirt and John’s cycle helmet, sitting on a bike! I’ve just seen an official looking person taking photos of the windows. I’m rather excited, even though I’m not really into the bikes. I might see Bradley Wiggins, haha!

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