15-09.02.134 in Book Two: The Fifteenth Year of the Third Millennium of the Common Era
- Sept. 3, 2015, 1:18 a.m.
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Life is certainly an experience.
Yesterday, Wife and I both had the day off. I actually got decent sleep… hope that the insomnia was starting to pass! And as it was the first of the month, that means (usually) the job postings update. For some reason, the jobs board sees its largest upswing in postings the first week of the month. So… very hopeful… I groggily walked to my computer to check things out.
The computer would not work. I was… irritated… to say the least. With my laptop 100% out of commission; my PC is the only computer I have. If I can’t use my PC… no Job Site, no E-Mail, no Facebook, no Games. Buh… zuh… guh… nuh.... growl! I tried to fix it to no avail. So, instead, Wife and I ran some errands and then she went to her Career Coach Appointment. While she was out, I started the laundry and decided to try a recipe modification I’ve been working on. I took our regular Lasagna recipe and substituted half of the tomato sauce with salsa, and substituted the beef with a Sausage and Bacon combination. What the experience taught me above all, though? Our little kitchenette bullshit is way too motherfucking tiny! In total we have around 3 feet of counter space. That’s it. That’s the whole kitchen. 3 feet of counter space, a sink, a microwave, a fridge, and an oven with uneven semi-dead heating elements. REALLY upset me because… it felt cramped, claustrophobic even, and made me wish even more that we could just go ahead and get a damned house already!
Wife came back from her Career Coach and actually admitted that I was right about some things. A good step forward. It isn’t a miraculous breakthrough or anything but for her to realize, finally, how much she DOES actually get in her own way… it is a step.
The lasagna turned out… okay. A little liquidy for my preference of lasagna but… first time I was playing with the recipe like this so… it was acceptable. Then Wife got my computer working. She hasn’t had any computer classes but always seems to get our electronics up and working again. I don’t understand why she’s so adamantly opposed to going into IT. With a finally functioning computer, I checked Job Site 1… no new updates. Job Site 2… no new updates. E-Mail… one rejection letter for a job I applied for. GAH! Bloody mother fucking hell.
Wife and I watched a documentary on Mel Brooks and then went to bed. Remember how I thought maybe my insomnia had passed? Yeah, no. Giant headache and neck pains kept me awake until 5 am when I finally passed out from sheer exhaustion… only to wake up at 6:45… 15 minutes before my alarm went off!! Ridiculous.
So… got dressed for work, came to work, court was… court. Drugs, DUIs, Stealing, and Homicide… for Omaha, a downright regular morning these days. Just… sitting around… honestly feeling like everything I learned at law school is atrophying to the point where… if I ever DO get a real job… I won’t have the first clue how to do anything.
Halfway through work, Gorgeous walked in. She’s a person that has been with Programs for a long time… always dresses well and was almost a perfect 10 the first two years I was here. Unfortunately, she had a major eye issue that required several surgeries… so, while I still see her as a very attractive woman.. she does have a very noticeable scar and a “wonky” eye. I still think she’s gorgeous though… tiny, tan, long blond hair with a fashion sense that would play well from LA to NY. Today was one such day where her fashion sense was on. Small white blouse and a black flowing skirt that was high-waisted and not very long hemmed. Great shoes, too. That’s the thing with me. I’m not a “foot guy” but I sold shoes for over 4 years… I notice shoe choice. After a brief convo with her.... Work Crush walked in. Confession Time: Green is a favorite color of mine. I absolutely adore green eyes; and yes, my wife has green eyes. So does Work Crush… but since Work Crush wears make up and has a fashion sense… today was a good day color wise. Bright green shirt with dark green fingernail polish and a makeup design that accented her eyes and smile. The outfit in general wasn’t anything spectacular… especially for Work Crush… but the color use definitely caught my eye.
Work Crush and I talked about her classes. She opened the conversation by telling me she could understand my conflicted feelings about one of our professors. He’s a good teacher… but he’s also a bastard. He is a Mormon Bishop (teaching at a Jesuit Catholic University) and plays favorites with the Mormon Kids in such a big way he should be fired for it. And while that is the reason most students hate the man with a passion, I have a special connection. This professor teaches litigation. I have a litigation certificate. I had to have this man as a teach for several classes. His favorite topic? Fibromyalgia. And how it isn’t real. How it is the next litigation “whiplash” b.s. made-up never-true diagnosis that lazy people use so they can get out of work.
Experience the level of pain, sleeplessness, and emotional horror I “enjoy” on a daily basis even with medication… then you can talk to me about how “fake” this condition is, you son of a bitch!
Then work was over and I came home to pretty much do very little. Emptied the dishwasher, did some dishes, cleaned the kitchen. Felt exhausted as I was running on less than two hours of sleep… so I submitted and took a two hour nap. Woke up, played on my tablet. Wife came home and we watched some movies. Now back to the whole… trying to sleep thing. And at 3am… it isn’t looking likely.
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