Live TV shooting in Chunky giblets

  • Sept. 2, 2015, 8:06 a.m.
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Vester Lee Flanagan II, aka Bryce Williams, born October 8, 1973, was a proud gay black man from Virginia, cat lover and staunch GamerGate supporter. Flanagan was forced to shoot his way out of a situation where he was attacked by a journalist and her cameraman due to his selfless and courageous demands for ethics in journalism. “My bullets have the Charleston victims’ initials on them” was his battle cry has he heroically shot down his former news colleague during a live broadcast during the morning of Wednesday, August 26th, 2015.
Proving that he, as a proud gay black man, is competent enough to use social media, Bryce Williams amazed the world by filming the shooting from a first person perspective (Although he still fucked that up by filming it in portrait mode), uploading it to Facebook, and left behind a Twitter account with all his life photos made exclusively for journalists. Two hours after the shooting he had enough time to find a fax machine and send his 23 page manifesto to ABC News. Once police finally closed in on him, he did the honorable thing and ended his residency upon this mortal coil with a bullet to the head.

Bryce Williams was a former reporter for WDBJ and was the victim of racial discrimination during his Emmy award winning coverage of the Charleston shootings, subsequently fired on the grounds that he’s a gay black man and replaced with a blonde chick with a neo-Nazi background. Thankfully, Bryce was moonlighting as a gay hooker at the time so he was still able to feed his cats. Inspired by the #BlackLivesMatter movement, Bryce loaded his magazine and approached 24 year old Alison Parker as well as her cameraman, Adam West, while they were interviewing some old hag at 6am about fuck knows what and proceeded to unload his weapon at point blank, sending everyone but the old lady to the next plane. Unfortunately, he failed to keep his camera steady enough to record the actual kill-shots. Bryce revealed in his 23 page manifesto that he was inspired by the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings, and was very upset about the shoddy ethics in video game journalism.

During his rampage Bryce was kind enough to alert the entire Internet to America’s Funniest Home videos showing himself executing the news crew himself. Unfortunately Twitter and Facebook have no interest in BREAKING NEWS so they immediately banned him. Luckily for us Bryce sent a number of faxes to various media outlets to tip them off about the incident before anyone had a chance to white wash it. Despite the news anchors trying desperately to cope with their cronies getting a cap in their ass they were forced to continue their broadcast for the lols. Now here’s Jim with the Weather!

Shortly after the incident, a brave soul came forth to speak with the media about Vester’s deep rooted connections to Gamergate. Gamergaters scurried to remove any evidence of his involvement, but the rabbit hole was too deep and eventually journalists picked on the trail. Vester was known for his long, infuriated rants against ethics in gaming journalism and that feminists were trying to take over the entire industry. It’s also noted that Alison Parker was a female gamer, and anonymous posters came forth to detail how Gamergate supporters were encouraging Vester to not only kill her but to film it as well.

TL;DR? America.

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