Turning 30 in The Past

  • Aug. 31, 2015, 9:24 a.m.
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I had a weird dream last night… the perfect blending of then and now.

I dreamt that I was walking down the streets of Oly, I wasn’t too far away from downtown, and I saw David and Andrew talking on the street corner, along with a kid who we used to have a love-hate relationship with. I can’t remember his name, which tells you what kind of impact he had on me. I saw David and was so happy, I ran to him and Andrew, wrapped my arms around him and pressed my face into the small of his back. I remember feeling my backpack on me, even though I haven’t worn a backpack outside of traveling for a while. He patted my hands, and then I threw myself at Andrew and hugged him tight, kissing his cheek and just… feeling like home. They looked just like they did in high school, which isn’t too weird, because they honestly do look just like they did 10 years ago, still skinny as hell and snarky too. David has a little grey in his beard, but that’s about all. Andrew has a little less hair, but that’s because he keeps it buzzed from his time in the military.

But anyway, they were talking about needing a place to sleep. For the life of me, I don’t know why, and I didn’t ask at the time. I suggested they stay at my house, but when they agreed, I didn’t take them to the place that Mom, Court, and I share, instead I mentioned that I had come into some money, and had an apartment (townhouse?) nearby. We went to the new apartment complex that’s being built right now downtown… the address is 123 4th Ave. I took them to my apartment, and explained that there was plenty of room – I had a three bedroom all to myself, even though one room was nothing but a crafting room, that still left a fully stocked guest room and the living room, plenty of room between them. I invited them in, we had something to drink (tea? Water? coffee?) and talked for a while before I sent them to bed.

In the dream, I sat in my room, just being, and just feeling. It was odd.

And then Brandon messaged me and I woke up. >.< Damn him.

I’m turning 30 in two days. And I think it’s messing with me. I don’t know what to think, how to think. I know it’s really not that big of a thing, but I’m having one of those “my life is nothing like I wanted it to be by now” moments. I just… I don’t know, I’m disillusioned and in a way, heartbroken. It’ll get better though, I’m sure of it.

I got an order for 500 buttons last night… the person who ordered them wants them packaged too. >.< I charged 200 dollars and am sending the test buttons tonight to get the final “ok” on the design. Then I get to put together 100 pouches of 5 buttons each and ship them out by the end of the month. If this goes well, my friend said he’ll pass my name along to other dealers and the like down where he’s at and I might have more and more orders. I’m excited about it, especially since I’m charging .40 a button for wholesale pricing, and it costs less than .10 to make each one. Especially since I’m not paying for any sort of labor costs -snicker- people are still so amazed by the button machine that they beg for a chance to play with it. I won’t deny them that. Hehehe.

Last updated December 24, 2016

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