Weird Week in Hello.

  • Aug. 23, 2015, 7:18 a.m.
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It’s been a strange one, that’s for sure.
I’ve got my second wig. It’s amazing. It’s exactly the same length and style my hair is now, only it’s in my natural hair colour. I am waiting for my glue to come, then I’m good to go with the shave. Yes, that’s right, I’ve changed my mind after seeing how good this wig looks on me. I’m considering getting a dread wig too, but those things are (rightfully!) expensive. I love the idea of shaving my head and having many wigs, depending on my mood!

But sadly I’m a bit skint now after my WFTC was recalculated and it turns out we were overpaid nearly £4000 year before last and now they want it all back next week. I have no idea either. That’s a hell of an overpayment, how did they not realise sooner? It was their mistake too, when I changed my hours at EWM from 24 to 12, they put in their computer that I wasn’t working and John had gone from 42 hours to 12. I hardly ever read the letters they send me, so I just presumed it was right. They’re busy recalculating my benefit and they’ve stopped it for a fortnight, but according to my calculations, if they decide to take their overpayment straight out of my benefit, I’m going to be getting £16 a week instead of the £120 I’m used to. I’m going to check, but I think I might be entitled to housing benefit and council tax benefit. Still, we’ve managed on less money before now, it just means I might have to dip into my savings for a bit.

It’s a bit annoying because I was all ready to go and book some driving lessons after talking to an instructor and him offering me an introductory course for £90 for 5 hours, then blocks of 10 hours for £220. It’s an expensive do and I had saved enough to do it, plus he could be flexible around my work hours. I’m sure I can work something out. My mam was going to give me some money towards lessons and I’ve texted her, but not had a response yet. I don’t really like to push it or ask how much she’s going to give me!

Bel started her periods this week. My little girl. :( I’ve been having sympathy cramps, which is fun. That better not happen every fucking month!

And also this week, some random loon rang me AT WORK trying to trace John’s cousin. She was saying Tom was having a relationship with her daughter and then he finished with her and now she’s self harming. I contacted Tom just to let him know, I really wasn’t interested in details, but he had no idea what she was on about, then Tom’s mum rang me, she said it was bullshit and very creepy. Tom’s brother also called bullshit. It was all very bizarre and unnerving. The only way I think she could have found me was via Tom’s friends on Facebook, where I have my workplace on my profile. I didn’t tell her a single thing, but I was mad and shaking, telling her it was inappropriate for her to be ringing me at work. In retrospect, I wish I’d played along now, taking her name and a number “so Tom could ring her back”. She’d witheld her number, so I couldn’t get it after the call.
It means I’ve had to set my Facebook to friends only and I’ve taken my workplace off my profile. My supervisor is aware of the situation too. Urgh, creepy!

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