So here I am. in The Awesome Chronicles of me.

  • Aug. 19, 2015, 3:08 p.m.
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  • Public

These four things I KNOW ARE TRUE:

1) More of the same today.

2) I took a picture of an adorable clone of boots today.

3) I don’t have much to say.

4) I played a couple games last night.

so here we go..........

Yeah. More of the same. I didn’t do much. I don’t have much else to say. I played a game i’ve been wanting to play for a while last night called shipyard. Its a game where you are building ships and sailing them off. I came in dead last cause I couldn’t build good ships quickly enough. Oh well. It was cool. It was on my radar forever, and it just came back into print. Happy me.

Today i went out to feed kitties for my mom, and the cute strays under my brothers garage (where gabby cat came from) This guy has been there for a while:

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It is a baby boots cat! I would love to snag him for myself, but he is so shy.

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This cat was like this for 20 minutes. Such a cuddly boy.

Ok. I’m gonna fire up ffxiv, and do stuff. Who knows what else is going on.


Thus ends our broadcast day.



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