The Heartless Pooh On Our Plans (Kingdom Hearts 2) in Gamer's Gaming

  • Aug. 6, 2015, 11:55 a.m.
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The Road So Far…

Sora, Donald, and Goofy awakened from a deep sleep in a town called Twilight Town. After exploring the town and briefly reuniting with Mickey, they were tasked with investigating and defeating Organization XIII and the Nobodies, beings that are born when people lose their hearts. They have no hearts, but retain their body and souls. After stopping in Hollow Bastion, where Sora was confronted by the remaining members of Organization XIII, he made a trip through the Land of Dragons before continuing on to Beast’s Castle. Inside the castle, the trio almost immediately ran into Beast, but their former companion seemed to have forgotten them completely. In one of the wings of the castle, they ran into Belle, who told them that Beast had been acting strangely, avoiding her and even going so far as to lock his servants in the dungeon. Sora and company set off to the other side of the castle to release the servants from their captivity. After a battle with the Heartless, the trio met and freed the group of Cogsworth, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, and Chip, servants of Beast and the castle. They learned that Beast was actually a cursed prince who had been transformed by an enchantress for his lack of compassion. Not only had Beast been changed, but so had everybody within the castle. For the curse to be broken, Beast had to learn how to love and be loved by somebody in return. The servants offered to lead the trio to Beast’s quarters, hoping they could figure out what was going on. Arriving at his room, they found him speaking to Xaldin, Organization XIII’s number III. He had twisted all of the negativity Beast was feeling into anger and convinced him to attack the group. Sora and company managed to combat Beast and break the spell on him, however. After the battle, Beast realized he owed Belle an apology and the group left to go back to tell Belle the news. Arriving back at her room, they found out that Belle took off after Xaldin. Panicked, the group rushed back to the Entrance Hall, where they heard Belle screaming from the Ballroom. Inside, Belle was being pursued by a giant Heartless called the Shadow Stalker. The group’s arrival distracted the Heartless long enough to allow Belle to escape to safety, but left them with one big mess to mop up. After battling the Shadow Stalker, which transformed into Dark Thorn after taking some damage, the group defeated the Heartless, allowing Belle and Beast to be reunited. Xaldin managed to escape for the time being, but Sora was more than happy that Belle and Beast were able to patch things up. Beast’s rose, which was also enchanted, opened a gate to a new world for Sora and company. Before they could check out the new land, however, they were drawn back to Hollow Bastion by Merlin, who had found Winnie the Pooh’s storybook. While Merlin went to search for the others in the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee, Sora decided to see how Pooh and the others were doing. He jumped into the book as he had not so long ago and went to swing by Pooh’s house to see his friend again…


Sora walked down the path towards Pooh’s house and found the bear sitting on a log in front of the house. Sora walked up to Pooh and huddled in front of him. Pooh looked happy to see his old friend again. Sora asked how he was doing and if he was finding enough honey. Pooh said that he was and that he was just about to do his stoutness exercises. Pooh asked if Sora would like to join him. Sora said that he was game. Pooh leaped off the log, but suddenly froze in midair. Sora, confused, stepped forward and tried to touch Pooh, but was thrown backwards by some magical force. Sora found himself back in Merlin’s house and Pooh’s book closed itself. Sora was about to get up and check the book, but Donald called him from outside and told him to get up. Sora looked back to find the door wide open. He got to his feet and ran outside to find Donald and Goofy engaged in battle with some Heartless. As he arrived, Goofy turned and asked if he had brought the book. Sora turned around and saw some more Heartless try to run off with it. Sora and company chased after them and managed to recover the book after defeating the Heartless, but two long gashes on the cover concerned Sora. Goofy suggested that he go back in and check on Pooh. Donald asked what they should say to Merlin. Goofy thought they might be able to explain, so Sora jumped back into the book, but many of the pages were gone! All that was left was Pooh’s house, so Sora returned, hoping to find his fluffy friend okay.

Sora returned to the path leading to Pooh’s house and breathed a sigh of relief when he found Pooh sitting on the log in front. Sora said that he was glad to see that Pooh was okay. Pooh said that he was glad Sora had visited, but that he was about to start his stoutness exercises. Perhaps they could visit later, Somebody-Pooh-Didn’t-Know. Oh crap… Sora realized something was very wrong and said sure. As Pooh began to do his exercises, Sora asked how Piglet was doing these days. Pooh wasn’t sure he knew anybody by that name. Double crap… Pooh returned to doing his stoutness exercises. Sora tried to get Pooh’s attention, but Pooh was wrapped up in his exercises. Sora realized something very weird was going on. He figured he better go back and ask Merlin about it. Sora returned to Merlin’s house, where the old wizard was talking to Donald and Goofy. Merlin asked how things were in the book. Sora told him that Pooh seemed to have forgotten all about him and all of his other friends too. Merlin said that he had been afraid of that. He opened the book and said that he suspected the problem had to do with the pages the Heartless had stolen. Once again, Sora would have to collect the torn pages and repair the book to set things right. Merlin told them that the book was one of the world’s most cherished elements. He had been meaning to tell Leon that he’d found it, but decided they should just keep things between the four of them for now. Merlin approached and told Sora that the book wasn’t the only thing that was cherished and handed him an item. Sora asked what it was. Merlin told him to concentrate on it with all of his heart and all he would have to do is say the word to summon an ally in times of need. Goofy asked if it was like Simba and Mushu during their last adventure. Merlin said that indeed, it was and told them to go forth with their friends by their side. Sora thanked Merlin and said that they were worried about Pooh. He said that, as soon as they found the torn pages, they would return. Sora looked at the item called the Baseball Charm. Apparently, according to Jiminy, it would summon a being called Chicken Little to help in battle. With a new ally in their battle with Organization XIII, Sora and company took off from Hollow Bastion and made their way towards the only unexplored world available to them, the Olympus Coliseum. Eager to see some more old friends, the trio made their way to the entrance to the world and landed once more.

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