The Oxford Hotel Denver,CO and the Cruise Room. in Misc. Thoughts opinions, the whole trash can.

  • Aug. 9, 2015, 12:27 a.m.
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The Oxford Hotel fell on bad times, before I hired out on the rails. It was “classified” in the Larimer Street area. Bums and it was a Mediterranean or Baltic Avenue type of property. One thing that always survived was the Cruise Room.

This is a truly Art-Deco art form that remains to this day. Although, it is in the Oxford Hotel, I believe McCormick and Smick’s fish house operate it. Bob Mayne and I visited several times, after a late tie up. And there was no Valet Parking, just hey buddy spare change?

A beer, or some Gins, weekends, maybe some casual types, or the “polite society” may be there. Bob and me… Overalls, smell like trains, a reverser in the flashlight pocket, along with a rolled up set of train orders…lol

You’re transported in the late 20’s early 30’s Some of the Cruise Room.

Thanks for reading

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