Perspective in Laughing in Circles

  • Aug. 11, 2013, 3:57 p.m.
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 photo image_zps30663cc9.jpg It occurred to me that it might be important to share that I can be a huge whiner. I recognized that in myself a few weeks ago (before the big garden-working day), and decided that I did not want to be that person.

Those things I write here are not always about things that come naturally. They are realized out of the necessity to find them, thanks to my commitment to write something positive, and life enriching every single day. This new outlook is a process, which involves breaking old and bad habits. It takes work to not being the victim of one's own body.

I have intentionally placed myself in a situation where I must find the joy, the peace, the lesson, my balance. And it is there, I assure you, even when my physical balance is challenged. And when it isn't there, it is because I have become greedy, lazy, or overwhelmed, and have overlooked the fact that I have been given a whole new day - and that another whole, new day stands behind this one, waiting expectantly for me to search...and find the best of what it holds for me, even if it requires that I look at things a little differently.

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