plan reset…again in my challenge

  • July 20, 2015, 10:19 a.m.
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i still weigh less than i did when i started this. but not near what my goal has been. so it was time to change up the game plan. joined an actual gym vs working out at home. so far so good. i am going frequently. i have a pretty good routine i’m working with. no hiit but doing cardio, well hitting the bike. i’m terrified of hurting myself. i’m coming up on week 3 of this, noticing shape change but no weight number change. going no carb for another 2 weeks then juicing again, just veggies still avoiding sugar best i can. i’m happy so far even with my struggles in being tired. i have to figure out a better way to sleep. haven’t really gotten good sleep, i don’t like using melatonin as it always gives me messed up dreams. the annoying part so far is i’m working out after work, and its usually an hour or 2 of a workout. by the time i get home shower and eat its almost 11-12 at night. haven’t been able to motivate myself to wake up early in the morning. also starting started osta shred and anafuse. we will see how that works out. going to keep trying things until i get where i want.

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