father in Kellie's Stuff

  • July 20, 2015, 11:15 a.m.
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  • Public

erotic goth photo: Goth Girl Fallen_Angel_by_ImmotalBeauty.jpg
Father use to tell me
you wear your clothes too tight
and all about the dangers
of being out so late at night
erotic goth photo:  Romance_in_black_and_white_by_Zepha.jpg
boys they are a danger
they say it’s just a kiss
but sooner and not much later
they’ll say true love is worth the risk
erotic goth photo: Goth Girl l_5a41ca0b05448324e83db97166291393.jpg
be careful what you say
if it makes a wrong impression
for words that seen so trite
can end up a concession
sexy goth photo: sexy Goth-1.jpg
it’s all about the message
if you can’t see good from bad
just ask yourself a question
about the opinion from your dad
sexy goth photo:  3a15scd.jpg
he’ll give you some direction
but when last word been said
one may just have to wonder
what’s roamed around his bed....
winking woman photo: Winking Woman 00_wink-BFW.gif

Last updated July 20, 2015

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