funny old days. in Hello.

  • July 17, 2015, 1:49 p.m.
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Yesterday and today have been slightly out of the ordinary.
Yesterday at work, my cousin, Moira, came in with her daughter, Jodie, and grand daughter, Sophie. They walked straight over to our display of Joma bracelets, a lovely simple range that are around the £13 mark. I said hello to them and got a hello out of Moira. I asked them if they were looking for something for a teacher’s present, Jodie said yes, keeping her back to me. I asked her how Sophie was, was she asleep? Jodie said yes. The conversation carried on being one sided and awkward, so I gave up. As they were leaving, I said “so what you up to?” Moira said “nowt…” and they all walked out. As the shop was empty, I said out loud “well fuck you too then…” Jo, my supervisor, said “I know they’re related to you, but I’ve never liked Moira or Jodie. They’re really stuck up.” I honestly have no idea what I’ve done to upset them, Moira’s brothers both unfriended me on Facebook a couple of years ago, Mark then blocked me and Ian added me back after I sent him a request. Wondering if Moira had been going through a tough patch, I went to check on her on Facebook to find she unfriended me and Shellie about a month ago. These are my mam’s sister’s kids. Our family, on the whole, is really tight knit and easy going. When we have get togethers, it’s always really good fun, we laugh and joke and poke fun, but Mary’s kids never come to socials.
I am going to give up trying. I’m frankly sick of their outdated views and with Moira arguing with me about Islam. In all honesty, I feel like a weight has been lifted now that I’ve made that decision.

This morning I woke up with the mother of all pain in my face. I’m almost certain it’s sinus infection, as I’ve had a drippy nose and been sneezing like crazy these past few days. I’d been so looking forward to being pampered at my hair appointment, but when I woke up, the mere thought of someone touching my head made me feel sick. I ended up taking a cold and flu tablet and a co codamol and I eventually felt slightly human. The pain has been niggling me all day, particularly one of my teeth when I move my mouth, but I know it’s not tooth pain. I’ve also just this minute become aware that that side of my face is swollen, as I can see my cheek when I look down. This isn’t usually possible.
My hair appointment was ok in the end. The hairdresser was only young and didn’t make conversation, even though I tried to initiate it a couple of times. She washed, conditioned, trimmed, blow dried and straightened my hair and now it’s all swishy and nice. I think I’ll have to go more often, £25 every couple of months is well worth it, I think.
Isabel had got her face on the front of the local paper, performing her dance routine at the talent show! I didn’t even notice when I bought it, my nana had told me her picture was inside, which is why I’d bought it. Dead proud of her…even though her and Caitlin came joint second, they choose Bel’s face to represent the story. :)
Oh, I saw the Google car the other day! Those who know where I live, will know that my town was hit by devastating floods in 2009. Apparently on Streetview, the photos of the Main Street were taken shortly after this, when the shops were boarded up and there were skips everywhere. There’s been a campaign for Google to use some new photos to tempt people to come here and it worked, because I saw it whizz past the shop on Tuesday. :)
Lol, my cousin Louise has just messaged me to say she’s on her way to the pub and the button has gone on her trousers, could she please borrow a belt? So I had to run out with it for her! I hope she doesn’t mind wearing a leather studded belt, because it was the first one that came to hand…

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