Cautiously in Book Two: The Fifteenth Year of the Third Millennium of the Common Era
- July 7, 2015, 4:04 p.m.
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Cautiously optimistic about the job interview.
Discovered of 30+ applicants, only 7 interviewed.
Next step is an interview with Primary Attorney.
Fingers crossed.
Laptop totally dead. Must discover if port, power brick or both.
Must consider replacement possibilities. Wife suggests I take her laptop but… it is old, riddled with bugs and viruses.
PC (Desktop) could be acceptable but mouse problem. Mouse double clicks constantly. Must clean and/or replace. Seriously… imagine your mouse constantly double clicking… it is maddening. #FirstWorldProblems (but legit FWP when you need to apply to jobs, check and return e-mail and otherwise function in the modern First World).
REALLY want a functioning MINE Computer right now so I can (1) read Prosebox; (2) write on Prosebox; (3) play facebook games; (4) view pornographic materials; (5) research (of all varieties) and (6)check and respond to e-mails. All of those are things I either cannot do on my phone or strongly wish not to do on my phone.
patrisha ⋅ July 07, 2015
Have you heard when your interview is?
QueSeraSera ⋅ July 08, 2015
LOL just read this
Me and you both having computer issues!
Will pray for yours also!
Good luck with interview!
While typing its skipping letters! ergh!!!!!!!!!!!!Hang in there computers!!!!!!!!!!
Sharee ⋅ July 08, 2015
Doing everything on a phone is definitely not ideal. I update and note from my phone at work a lot (like now) and it's not great. lol
Always Laughing ⋅ July 09, 2015
Hope you get the job and can find a replacement computer.
Spilledperfume ⋅ July 09, 2015
colojojo ⋅ July 12, 2015
A mouse replacement is an easy fix. Lots of luck!!!!!