U.S decision on marriage equality means nothing to Abbott in Stuff

  • June 26, 2015, 11:51 p.m.
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Like a hell of a lot of other people today, I changed my Facebook profile pic rainbow in light of this historic day in the U.S.A. “Love has won”, I believe were the words from Mr. President.

I have had a smile on my face all day for the good citizens of the U.S.A.
When I say the good citizens, I mean the ones who aren’t complete bigots and idiots saying they are “moving to Canada” in light of the new laws. Fucking morons.

I actually woke up this morning to a message on my facebook wall from my friend Tiffany, who is from Maine. She posted something letting me know that I can now go over there and marry.

I didn’t understand at first, but it was soon apparent, as my entire Facebook exploded with the news. I think George Takei said it best…

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Of course, it didn’t take long for our lovely, heartfelt Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Abbott to respond to the ecstatic news from across the Pacific.

Abbott says U.S decision on marriage equality means nothing to him

^Rolls eyes to back of head^

So, it’s sort of like the whole English-speaking world is devouring the delicious cake, but holding it out of my reach.

All because of a bully of a man who believes
a) coal is the future
b) wind farms are unsustainable and ugly
c) People can be stripped of Australian citizenship without a trial
d) That his biggest achievement as the ‘Minister For Women’ was “abolishing the Carbon Tax” and most importantly
e) That global warming is a myth!
Amongst many other things.

So it’s not really too surprising knowing his views on two people who love each other.

Last updated June 27, 2015

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