Oh audiobooks in Books
- June 17, 2015, 5:26 p.m.
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Almost finished listening to all the James Patterson books that I want to listen to. Waiting on You’ve Been Warned. He does have some new books coming out that I am interested it. However probably not going to be on audio anytime soon. Or ebooks. Unless I pay for them of course.
I found another author I would like to listen to his books next. Harlan Coben. Most of the Myron Bolitar series is on audio. I printed out a list of all 31 of his books that he has wrote and slowly going through them to see what the library has.
Also printed out lists of authors book list I want to go through. Such as Michael Connelly, David Baldacci, and Vince Flynn.
I am currently reading Fury by GM Ford. I have read all his Leo Waterman series. GM Ford’s books are not on the library’s website but are pretty cheap through Amazon. Fury is part of the Frank Corso series.
I see another one of Gillian Flynn’s books are going to be made into a movie. She has wrote 3 books. I have read them all. Gone Girl was my least favorite. The movie was better that the book which I don’t usually say about a book. Dark Places is being made into a movie. My favorite book by this author. The other book is Sharp Objects which would also be a good movie.
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