Me and Mrs Jones in One day at a time

  • June 16, 2015, 10:18 p.m.
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Sorry I have been so far unsuccessful in my Smurf photo posting. I have downloaded both Picasso and Photobucket, just need to set aside some time to fiddle around I guess (I say that like I am really busy, when in reality I am just quite lazy).

Ahh the party. Have you seen the Bridget Jone’s movie? The one where she turns up at the Tart’s and Vicar’s party in a bunny suit to discover that it was no longer fancy dress and no one had told her? Well it wasn’t quite thaaaat bad, the theme was still going, but it just hadn’t been very well subscribed to. Sure, there were a few token leg warmer, bows in the hair looks but the only ones that had gone to any significant trouble were the hosts as Sue Ellen and J R Ewing. She had on a “frock” and had apparently had her hair boofed at the hairdressers but because it was a damp cold day it had sort of collapsed into a bob. He was wearing a suit with a big cowboy hat, and a bullet hole through his head. The best costume went to my ex-boyfriend, we broke up when I was 22, but he still doesn’t talk to me. He looked awesome – full on MC Hammer, gold suit, fishnet shirt. At least I think he was MC Hammer (although wasn’t he 90’s?). Anyway he looked great, but his wife, who also cannot stand me developed a “headache” and they were out of there by about 9.30. Being Blue meant that I was oddly approachable. I got backed into the kitchen by the biggest bore ever. Conspiracy theories for everything – we are talking one step from wearing tin foil on his head. At one stage he asked me if I was worried that the paint on my face was toxic. My response “Oh I doubt it, it was made in China and I bought it at the $2.00 shop”, gauged a concerned look and a lecture on buying imported goods. I couldn’t even get absolutely flat out Smurfing drunk, because I had to drive home.

Mum’s new facility is demanding a whole lot of legal forms being completed. The lawyer wants a LOT of money to do it. There is an ugly stand off going on. I am doing my best to avoid confrontation at all costs (my usual M.O), let’s see how that works out for me. The other annoying thing is that nobody answers the phone there at night time. It just rings and rings. I have had to call during the day from my office (which I have mentioned before is like a library). Yesterday’s call Mum kept saying “I can’t hear you”, and then kept going on and on about some “man”, I think the gist of ii is he is a male nurse there – but he is married, so not to waste my time?? She was defo away with the fairies. Worrying.

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