5/29 in --

  • May 31, 2015, 3:18 a.m.
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I’ve been pretty busy. I’m too tired to write a detailed entry. We’ve looked at so many houses lately, and we’ve been beaten out of so many houses lately by other applicants. Bleh.

Friday – went to the school that I’m doing my summer internship at. Everything is disorganized and it gives me anxiety. The building is also in terrible shape. Some of the rooms were closed off because of the mold in them. I decided to observe the government teacher on Monday when summer school starts.
We went to a Thomas the Train event in another town. It was rainy and didn’t prepare well for that. Cannon had a train with him and all he wanted to do was play with his train in the mud puddles. He had a few tantrums from being hungry, since he wouldn’t eat anything all day, and tired. We rode the train and he seemed to enjoy it. The front of the train looked like Thomas and the eyes and the mouth moved. It was really cool. Cannon really liked seeing Thomas! It was also all of our first time on a real train.

Saturday – We looked at another house. Put in applications. Jacob’s parents were in town and we had lunch with them, and we bought a new couch. We looked at yet another house. Got beaten by a previous applicant, but we told them to give us a call if it falls through. Jacob and I went out for a few hours. I had a drink! It was the first one I’d had in… gosh, I don’t even know. Years. It was pretty good. We went to a book store. Got some food. Came home. I’m exhausted. I need more sleep. I haven’t been getting enough or quality sleep, but I suppose that’s been the norm for a few years.

I forgot to mention that our landlord called us about buying this house we are in today. He wants us to have a meeting with his realtor to see if we can’t finagle a loan. I mean… I do like this house, it just needs some money put into it to make it the way we want. We don’t know what to do, really. It would be nice to not have to move and instead focus on making this house ours.

I’m tired. I guess I’ll go try to watch more episodes of the latest season of RuPaul’s Drag Race and try not to fall asleep through it.

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