Congratulations Ireland! in Stuff
Revised: 05/25/2015 5:41 p.m.
- May 25, 2015, 4 p.m.
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Of course, I think it’s fantastic that Ireland allowed it’s people a referendum on same-sex marriage. I also think it’s fabulous that Ireland has an 85% Catholic population, and that the YES vote passed with 62% of the vote.
Just lovely. It really makes me smile, seeing with each day that passes, the world realizes they shouldn’t be such assholes and come around.
I actually shed a tear reading this article about the 90-yo man shedding a tear, saying, “It’s too late for me now. I wish you all the best, and I’ll certainly be voting yes.”
And if you didn’t see the reaction video to the vote counts being read out, you’re welcome >>>>> Ireland vote reaction!
This video should explain to backward-thinking straight people why it means so much to us. SHOULD.
Wow, if that doesn’t hit home hard or what!
I commented saying, “It’s never too late.”
Having said that, some countries ^cough^ Uganda^ ^cough^ Congo ^cough^ ^cough^ Iran ^cough^ are still unbelievably homophobic. How the hell do these countries ever expect a thriving tourist industry??
It was lovely watching Eurovision and when they went to Ireland for their vote, the commentators mentioned that it was an historic day for Ireland, and the chick commentator added, “…When you’re ready, Australia.”
I read something about how Australia is now the only mainland English-speaking country that doesn’t allow same-sex marriage. How fucking embarrassing LOL. Oh man, it makes me shake my head.
This video made me laugh my arse off last night. Fuck I love this bitch :D
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian
Congratulations Ireland!
Makes me think back to when I had my Irish fling, and I was in tears saying goodbye to him at the airport. Oh that boy was so much fun.
Then there is this mother’s letter. Well written and just lovely.
I do have faith however. I always have. I just bitch about how ridiculous this is. A lot :D
Last updated May 25, 2015
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