Wily Paws and Circles of Connection in Everyday Ramblings

  • May 22, 2015, 11:27 a.m.
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I picked up my antibiotics last night. I have to take them for 17 days starting next Thursday and am not allowed to drink alcohol for the duration including a few days before and after. I am glad this won’t be an issue for me but I might just have a few drinks this long holiday weekend just because I can. :)

Yesterday Nimrod approached me while I was in the cubicle I share in the office and I visibly flinched. It was a discreet and completely physical response to the possibility of his anger and the reality of his cluelessness, which is creating some issues for me in my work.

He noticed.

He would. He is very sensitive to how people respond to him. He said he was just coming over to see how I was, all concern.

Today it was announced that he has been promoted from a supervisor to a manager.

I really need to find my way out of there. Stranger things have happened, wonderful unexpected things. This too could unfold.

On a much more cheerful note, I heard yesterday that another department is going to copy directly my big project and they want me to give a short presentation on it. Maybe somehow that can lead to a different job??? One can hope.

Tomorrow early I am going down to Salem to hang with Kes, Most Honorable, Jack and Leo for the day. The ostensible reason for the visit is to help with the yard. There may be a nice long walk in there somewhere too as well as a yummy homemade meal.

Then when I get home I have chores, lots of chores.

There is a delay at the lab with my new lenses so picking them up is yet another thing to stuff into a jam-packed week next week.

When I was at the workshop last weekend I made contact with another teacher in Seattle who teaches a class for cancer caregivers up there. We might start a private Facebook group to share resources so I was glad to make that connection. She wasn’t actually there; she is a close friend of someone who was, a lovely nurse/yoga teacher. I need to do some follow-up on that.

I also got asked to sub the studio class again week after next. The first half of my dental procedure is next Thursday and the second, the following Tuesday so this all will be a bit challenging. I am taking that week off from Caregivers and two full days off from work. The cats will be happy about that.

They do love keeping an eye (or paws) on their food source.

If I open a cabinet door in the kitchen they want to go in and explore and usually I let them. The other night I opened a bottom cabinet door because I was putting their big new bag of dry food in there. They were both in the cabinet when I got an email I wanted to respond to and the next thing I know they had managed to claw and bite their way into the very heavy foil bag. They are very skilled at this and clearly have experience. And they are fast too!

Luckily I heard them before they had a binge but I had to store all the dry food again in glass containers with secure lids in a cabinet with a chair in front of it.

There are tradeoffs for their high energy that is for sure.

Still, after six months I remain smitten with these two wily guys.

Has anyone heard any news from Skagway? There was a note on Cindy’s Facebook page that she wasn’t expected to make it through Wednesday night. I miss her so much, our seedys was such a vital part of our little online world here and I hope that her suffering was minimal but suspect it was not.

In these concentric circles of lives well lived and transitions sometimes I am amazed we are able to connect at all.

Last updated May 22, 2015

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