Old lady bones in A new era

  • May 11, 2015, 3:03 p.m.
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I’ve had pain in my right hip for at least 18 months, but have brushed it off as wear and tear from half a lifetime being on my feet for work.

Since the beginning of this year though I’ve had aches and pain in other joints and have been stiff as a board when I get up in the mornings, and if I sit for a long time, to the point that I feel like it’s changing my walk.

Coupled with the fifth cold I’ve had since February, more like flu than colds, fevers, sweats, shivers, really feeling like death.

My doctor is testing me for rheumatoid arthritis. I have to get a ton of bloods taken, and go from there. She’s really reluctant to expose me to xray if I don’t need one, what with the hips being so close to the ovaries. I’m gonna force one of the girls in work to take my bloods tomorrow, then I have to call her up next week and see if they show anything. There’s a new test specifically for rheumatoid, which is more accurate than the previous rheumatoid test so she’s doing both.

Honestly I’m at the point where I’d actually be glad to know what’s wrong with me. I’m in so much pain tonight, it’s like since I’ve admitted that this might be more than overuse during a few long shifts, any pain I may have blocked/ignored/avoided has all come crashing along and I am feeling it all.

All I know is that I’m 30, I’m too young to be in constant pain, to be feeling like an old woman every time I get out of bed or stand up after sitting a little while. Because let’s face it, it’s not getting any better, it is absolutely getting worse.


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