Uninspired in The Past

  • May 5, 2015, 11:26 p.m.
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I’ve been feeling rather uninspired lately. Just… with everything. I haven’t wanted to work on maile, even though I really really should (I have a couple of projects I need to finish AND some cleaning up to do, AND I need to get ready for Pride in June. (note to self, pay for Pride this Friday)

I’m just so “blah.”

I need to figure out what I’m going to do and how I can do it. It’s just becoming so hard to care and to bother. It’s affecting me at work too, and I’m hating that I’m seeing that. It doesn’t help that this is the time of month that I’m really, really, bored. Next week will be a lot different - I’ll have Vanpool and AP and all sorts of things to keep me occupied, but this is the slow week and the downer time. If I wasn’t chained to the reception desk, I’d be able to get up and do things. Hmm… Might find a way to get a bit of the cleaning done either way.

I’m also on a quest to clean the house… I ended up pulling a stupid and watched a Hoarders marathon the other weekend and it freaked the hell out of me. I realize(d) that I’m a hoarder in the making, not really from psychological problems, but mainly from laziness, and as such, there’s boxes and boxes of random crap all over the place in my house. So I got a dumpster and started working on clearing things up. The only problem is that I get really easily discouraged when I see that I’m the only one working on anything… and with Mom and Court both “sick” and lethargic, I’ve all but given up. Court’s sleep schedule has been wonky too and it’s driving me fucking nutters. He’s been waking up really early in the morning (1am or so), spending hours downstairs, so when I come downstairs for my “alone time” in the morning, he’s there. Then he feeds the guinea pigs, and by the time I leave for work at 7:45, he’s upstairs asleep. He’ll sleep till about 5:00 or so, come downstairs, play on the computer, feed the guinea pigs, and then go back upstairs with food. I miss having my alone time. That’s when I could listen to music with a guinea pig on my shoulder and relax and psych myself up for the day. Oh well.

Mom’s been doing okay, except for the triple whammy of a) the casino doing remodel, which puts dust and dirt and construction dust in the air, b) a cold that just makes her hate life, and c) the weather changing every other day. Because of all this, she’s been more tired and letharic than normal, and that’s saying something, considering.

Tonight I’m going to see about working on destashing my jewerly supplies and sending some to a friend on here. I have a bunch of beads and findings that I’m not using, some wire and stuff I picked up for shits and giggles and never had a use for… including some sterling silver filled wire (not a lot of it, but I’m sure you’ll do something with it!) That was from when I was trying to get into wire wrapping and had a little extra money… it didn’t go as well as I wanted it to.

Oh! ElvenAssassin! I was just thinking of how you can pay me back! Keep an eye out for some Spiral Cages Kind of like this one. I’ve found a tutorial on how to make them Here but I’m not very good with wire wrapping at all. I’m wanting to make some more dice necklaces with the spiral cages, but I haven’t found any spirals that would fit a regular sized D20. I’m also looking for mini (6mm) D20s, if you run across any of those.

What else is going on? Nothing really, in all honesty. I’ve been spending too much time playing on my 3DS and not enough time doing all the things I know I should be doing. I am looking for a car and my first bit of number and car crunching with the first of (what is probably to become many, I’m sure) dealers has me wondering if I shouldn’t reevaluate what I want… I’m not too picky, but I think the Chevy Spark that they’re wanting to show me is a tad bit small with not enough umph. I’ll have to talk to the sales lady and see if I can’t get something a tiny bit bigger, so at least I can carry my stuff around.

Then again, I wouldn’t mind a tiny car… it wouldn’t bother me much. -sigh- this is why I’m already beginning to hate the search.

Last updated December 25, 2016

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