4/25 in --

  • April 25, 2015, 8:29 p.m.
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Thursday night was my first trip to the ER as a parent.

I was in the bedroom cleaning. The landlord told us that day that a realtor was coming over tomorrow to look at the house, and my house was absolute nightmare, so it had to be done fast. Lorelei was in the bedroom with me. There was a lamp on the floor. A bank lamp, I think they call them. She stood up on it. It fell and broke. She cut her hand. Cue me freaking out, getting the cut cleaned and a washrag pressed on it. Immediately called Jacob and a few minutes later he got home from conferences. we took her to the hospital. We were there for three hours. Fortunately she didn’t need stitches. She was also happy and calm the entire time, except towards the end when she was getting tired, since it was about two hours past her bedtime at that point.
The doctor looked like a movie star and his name was Dr. Dangers. I felt like I was in a show written by Tina Fey… except I didn’t have an embarrassing ailment that the doctor had to look at.

So, yeah. Friday was spent cleaning and organizing the entire house, while wrangling the kids. Luckily Jacob’s parents were there to help us. I wasn’t able to do much while wrangling the kids, since they keep me very busy. We went to IKEA to get some (safe) lamps. And forgot lightbulbs.

I took my sister and myself shopping today. Retail therapy is best therapy.

I still feel like I need a crazy night out… but Thursday gave me a reality check and now I’m kind of in a state of “what ifs” regarding my kids and I’m afraid of everything. D;

I really want cake. I do now that I’ve eaten two full packages of tic tacs in the last couple of days.
I’d think I was pregnant if it hadn’t been months since I’ve had sex. D; (Both pregnancies I ate gobs of tic tacs right before I found out).

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