More progress in My this and that

  • April 21, 2015, 1:03 a.m.
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So, I’ve added regular runs to my schedule, as well as regular workouts, so hopefully seeing it on my calendar will help me to skip out less. I’m going to start some strength training as well as my cardio.

I did some yesterday, just doing body weights, and MAN! I can’t even lift myself… No push ups or anything. So, I guess that’s something else to work on. And it was suggested to do squats with weights and lunges and whatnot to build up the muscles in my legs so that it takes less pressure off my joints while I run. Good thoughts.

I went out this morning; and it wasn’t easy. It was SO windy in my face, and the snow felt a little like ice against my skin. 5 minutes in, I tripped and scraped up my knee and hands, and tweeked my ankle. My first thought was to turn around and go home and skip it. But I walked it off, and was able to try again. I did a full 17 minutes of straight running, a total of 25 minutes running, 10 minutes walking. Pretty good!

My ankle feels okay now, except I really feel the tweek when I walk down stairs, so I’ll have to be a bit careful with it I think.

Had a bad fever on Friday night. Just during the night. Started at about 10 p.m., and was gone about 8 a.m. Had a TERRIBLE night, but thankfully didn’t waste any of my weekend daytime, and I still had a good couple days off. Went to the mall with my mom which was fun; went out for lunch on Sunday with friends which was SOOOOO good. Got a big grocery shop done.

Have to find a good chicken and asparagus recipe for dinner tonight.

All of your notes of encouragement and support mean the world to me! Thank you.

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