Some motivation for my disappointment in My this and that

  • April 17, 2015, 3:24 p.m.
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This morning I actually got up with my alarm at 5:30 a.m., but ended up crawling back into bed after my morning pee because I was too tired to force myself out of the door for my run.

BUT this morning my dear daddy told me he would foot the registration fee for me to run in a 10K this June with Manitoba Marathons in support of Teen Challenge, so I’m very excited! Something to work towards, and it should help motivate me to get out there and keep improving.

I had a wicked headache this week. To the point that it made my whole body ache like I had a fever. I took Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning off work. All of a sudden something on Thursday morning it just kind of disappeared, so I came in to work. Praise the Lord!

I think Jake is doing much better, so now we must decide on his new diet. I don’t think we want to feed him strictly this food we bought from the vet, though we would like to incorporate it in to his regular diet. It’s expensive to have him eating ONLY that food… especially since he’s not a picky eater anyway.

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