"hang in there" - evan's mom. in The Wonderland Years: 2015. Done.
- April 14, 2015, 1:52 a.m.
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yeah I. failed. Stephanie & I had a loud disagreement about like. 2 hrs. ago and I got incredibly taken aback and upset and so. I failed and called evan. even though I said I wouldn’t. even though I said we were taking a break. g*damnit. I can’t even make it a wk. see this is why I need friends who are that close to me. so please again i’m reachin out here. if you want to be a part of my support system. and do it outside of here. let me know and i’ll give you my email. [ok so my phone doesn’t have the internet on it nor does it work internationally and i’m going away tomorrow er I mean overseas, but. that’s not the point].
I’ve failed in other ways too. I’ve. been drinking I haven’t been eating as much. yeah cause i’m hurting. and it’s when I need evan the most. fuk when I need someone. even though I don’t know his mom. she knows about me a little. he’s staying w/ his brother right now. apparently. and that’s all I needed. was to hear ‘it’ll be ok’. I just need comforting. and I don’t say that ever. i’m sorry to sound like i’m 12 yrs. old and like I can’t do this myself but maybe that’s bc. I can’t. I just need a hug. or. something.
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