Progress and Technology in Everyday Ramblings
- April 13, 2015, 12:39 p.m.
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Everything is blooming and fragrant here. It is like someone took the flower clock and sped it up. The wild poppies are up and the peonies are budding. I was across town last week where the weather is just a bit warmer and there was this yard with a white on white dogwood tree blossoming surrounded by iris that was just breathtaking to look at.
No way would I ever be able to capture what that vista did for me with a camera. That is one of the reasons people paint. :)
The orange azaleas, the lilac next to a pink rhododendron tree, layers of wild as well as domesticated tulips and now the wisteria is blooming as well.
My stair challenge gets me out in it every morning just about dawn. I am on week seven now and have made it to 5 full minutes of climbing. I was thinking this morning as I was coming down the stairs in the half light that not only is the practice good for my heart and lungs, it is also really good for my proprioceptive awareness and balance.
S. was telling me a few weeks ago that because she had been working on improving her posture in yoga with me she feels so much more ease coming down stairs, that it helps with the safety factor as well as balance.
I was reading an article on wrist safety and anatomy last night and they were saying that in terms of keeping your wrists safe in yoga in particular that the best way to do that is… surprise… strengthen your core muscles.
I love that.
Now that Most Honorable has a smartphone, he is using the GPS to track his bike rides. Yesterday both Kes and I were chatting on the phone as I was doing our departed older sister’s taxes and watching the progress of his ride on our computers! We could even see his heart rate.
Technology is amazing. He saw some llamas in a field and took a picture and pinged me with it. He doesn’t have to explain the weather any more because he can show me.
Speaking of cell phone pictures… I did start an Instagram account this weekend and the real reason for doing this is to post lots of pictures when I am out and about that Mr. Fine China won’t make silly little smiley face comments on like he does randomly on my Facebook page.
It annoys me that he won’t just go away. But he also is not going to do anything that might be effortful regarding me, so say he would never read here even though it is hidden in plain sight, or follow me to Instagram.
No, he is just a Facebook kind of guy. He rarely posts himself, and the only time I know for sure he will leave a like or a comment on one of my posts is if another man likes or comments.
Mine! He says. Not consciously of course. I am sure in his grandiose mind he is just being “friendly” and “keeping in touch”.
Creeps me out. But oh well. It is a small price to pay to be done with him.
There were thrills and sharp intakes of breath but I did manage to get all the taxes done this weekend. Figuring out how to file electronically and get the refund for my sister to her children was an adventure. But I did it.
Saturday I felt better than I had in weeks and Kes and Most Honorable came up and played with the cats and we went out to dinner. It was fun.
Yesterday I was reminded that I am not out of the mystery illness woods yet, so it was a fairly quiet day. I am looking forward to teaching tonight and I did let my inner pony run up the stairs a few times this morning so there is progress.
Long may it reign.
Last updated April 13, 2015
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