Things I am finding annoying tonight. in shiny things
- March 30, 2015, 9:35 p.m.
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Ok, I am going to do a “real” entry soon, since I am really trying to get back into the writing habit… but I want to whine. I am annoyed by many many things tonight, and I want to whine, and whine I will, and I will not blame anyone for hitting the back button right this second. I will whine, I will vent, it will make me feel better (hopefully) and I can move on.
SO! Let’s count off, shall we??
- I am annoyed at my brother/SIL/their various adult children. Because my dad is having a colonoscopy Wednesday. And yes, he does have to obsess over things and he does talk everything to death and yes, it can wear your very last nerve down to its very last… nerve ending, I suppose. Which isn’t really the point except that he has been obsessing over this for weeks now, and he actually really DOES need some help with making sure he does all the pre-test stuff right. Because A) there’s a lot of important stuff you have to do/not do in order to have a successful test, and B) he can’t hear/ won’t wear his hearing aids/ acts like he can hear just fine/ so doesn’t hear instructions, like the ones they give you prior to things like colonoscopies but C) acts like he does hear them so D) it’s sometimes quite hard to figure out if he knows what he is doing or if he does NOT know what he’s doing so you can E) avoid situations like he encountered last time he had a colonoscopy, when he had a light breakfast the day of the procedure thinking that was okay when it is not at all okay, so he had to reschedule. Which I remember and my brother remembers but he doesn’t remember at all. (I am glad my brother remembered that since I was starting to think I’d imagined it.) OH and F) he really doesn’t read all that well - I’m pretty certain he’s dyslexic but was never diagnosed since he was in school decades before anyone knew anything about dyslexia and he quit school when he was 14 and joined the Navy when he was 15 and went to Europe to fight in WW2. So he doesn’t have a lot of confidence in his ability to read and comprehend things, OH and G) he’s also starting to develop some macular degeneration problems so also can’t see what he’s trying to read that well anyhow.
Again, all not really the point, but the point is that he needs someone to help him out with this. I was down there weekend before last and we went over all the stuff he can and can’t do, but I can’t go back down again before the test, which is Wednesday- I’m an hour and a half away at best, I have to work, and there are five adults who are closely related to him living all around him. Who can all read, and at least one - my brother - has had a colonoscopy himself.
And hopefully my brother is at least double-checking with him about tomorrow, in which he can not have any solid foods or any liquids that are red or purple for the entire day, and he has to drink the nasty prep stuff and take the pills at specific times. And I think he actually does have all that down- I talked to him tonight and he seems to have the schedule all worked out.
SO. Why am I pissed off? WELL, I am pissed off because he has to go all day without eating solid foods but he can have broth- which I bought him when I was home weekend before last - and he can have jello also, as long as it’s not red or purple. And which I tried to buy him when I was home - I tried to get him some pre-made jello but naturally the only pre-made jello they had was exactly what he can’t have— red and purple. They had plenty of boxes of it, to make yourself, but not the already made stuff. So I text my brother and ask if they will please make him some jello before Tuesday so he’ll at least have something he can kind of eat. And he says “ok.”
Tonight I’m on the phone with my dad and I ask, “did they make you some jello?” And he says, “No, John says he doesn’t know how to make it.”
And I have to restrain myself from saying, WHO IN THE FUCK DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE JELLO???!!!??? You take a package of jello!! You dump the powder into a bowl!!!! You pour however much boiling water it tells you to pour into the bowl!!!! You stir it!!!!!!!! You stick it in the fridge!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO MAKE JELLO.
For FUCK SAKE. Anybody can make jello. DADDY could make his OWN jello, but thinks he can’t so won’t even try it. I can not imagine in my wildest DREAMS that my SIL has never made jello, even though they eat out pretty much every single meal - she has three kids and four grandkids, surely to fuck at some point in all these years she’s stirred up a bowl of jello.
Godalmighty, if I’d known this would happen, that nobody knows how to make jello, I’d have made it my own damn self and MAILED it to him.
And it is entirely possible that I am totally and completely over-reacting about this. I do realize that. Daddy did not sound the slightest bit distressed that he was not having jello tomorrow. I don’t know that he is even a fan of jello – I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him eat jello. But it just seems like nobody ever wants to help him out with ANYTHING, and I’m always having to go down there and do ten million billion things that have sat around undone because nobody else has time to do them, despite living right beside him.
WELL, apparently that was my BIGGEST ANNOYANCE and I’ve gone on and on about that until I have to go to bed!!! Or I will be even tireder and crankier than I already am tomorrow!!!! My other annoyances, in very quick succession, are that I got my hair cut and she did weird things to my bangs (I like the rest of it and I’m sure they’ll be fine once I do them myself- she left some weirdly long bits), Baker B did not even notice that I’d had my hair cut even though IT LOOKS TOTALLY DIFFERENT AND IS SHORTER AND IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STYLE AND LOOKS WAY BETTER ACTUALLY BUT APPARENTLY I DO NOT EVEN EXIST SO WHY WOULD ANYONE NOTICE THAT I HAVE A DIFFERENT HAIRSTYLE, ESPECIALLY MY HUSBAND !!!!!!!! And I have an infected tearduct of all the weird things so went to the eye doctor Friday and they gave me big-gun antibiotics and the tearduct thing is pretty much okay now but I’ve had a reaction to the antibiotics which I thought was what I just had a couple of months ago for a sinus infection but apparently wasn’t - the sinus thing was Cefuroxime and this is Cephalexin and although they do seem similar - antibiotics for people who are allergic to penicillin and pretty much everything else- this one is twice the dose of the sinus infection one. SO it made me really nauseous until Kim told me to take it with food (it said you could take it with or without and I wasn’t hungry so I kept taking it without) – and it’s also made me REALLY REALLY TIRED. I mean, lying on the floor unable to move tired. And apparently it’s also making me REALLY REALLY CRANKY AND PRONE TO OUTBURSTS OF FURY AGAINST MY FAMILY AND EVERYONE ELSE AROUND ME.
So on that note, I am going to bed.
Deleted user ⋅ March 31, 2015
I understand as well. Had something similar in my so-called family recently and they just took my breath away. It must be that they were green filter glasses and I wear red or something, they seem to see the entire world differently.
I'd imagine you are worried a bit about yoru Dad, and a colonoscopy is Not a Bowl of Jello ... red or any other kind, so I guess he may be too. Maybe even your sibnlings are, but everyone is expressing it differently.
That said, I want to slap the lot of them .. and tip ice cubes on them. GAH
Please let us know how it all ends up.
edna million Deleted user ⋅ March 31, 2015
Yeah, there's a lot of concern as well - he did have colon cancer a number of years ago. He was able to just have a small bit of his colon removed since it hadn't progressed far at all, and he has had a colonoscopy every five years since then (I think this is the third one). I'll update!
ermentrude ⋅ March 31, 2015
I apologise, but I smiled through this. Not at your anger but at your humour between the anger.
I do wonder if, perhaps, your dad didn't want jello bit didn't want to tell you so he made it up. Just a thought. I hope his colonoscopy goes well. hugs x x
edna million ermentrude ⋅ March 31, 2015
OH, he'd NEVER make it up --- only because he is rabidly opposed to lying. Even for a good reason. But I do think he really could not care less and probably isn't even that fond of jello, and I'm totally over-reacting about it! He did not sound at all annoyed about it himself.
Lyn ⋅ March 31, 2015
Hope all goes well for your Dad. You've earned some good karma points for dealing with your family!
Tsk, tsk, Baker B!
edna million Lyn ⋅ March 31, 2015
Satine ⋅ March 31, 2015
OMG the jello. Even if you don't know how to make, READ THE BOX and MAKE YOUR FATHER SOME JELLO! Oy. I wonder why no red or purple things - so interesting! Hope your dad's test goes okay and he has all clear results. xx
edna million Satine ⋅ April 06, 2015
BJ beat me to it, but it is something about staining your insides so it's hard to see if there's a problem. And he's fine -- all clear.
Satine edna million ⋅ April 06, 2015
Sooo glad to hear it. Xo
noko ⋅ April 01, 2015
Sorry to be so late to this as I am sure by now the prep is underway and Jello has or has not appeared. I hope someone has noticed the change in your personal landscape by now. It always amazes me that we so often see what we are used to seeing even if there has been a change. Glad you were able to get some treatment for the eye thing but lying on the floor tired is not good.
Going Gentle Into That Good Ni ⋅ April 02, 2015
Sorry, I just read this too! Hope all went well with Daddy's colonoscopy...but, wow, I completely understand your frustration with bro and SIL and their kids and the fact that you have to do EVERYTHING from a distance while they are right there. And Jello? Seriously? From my experience - and I've a lot in this department, as you know - it's not a matter of "can't," but a matter of "won't." Your indignation and outrage is understandable (you are not overreacting), since apparently you've been designated as your mama's replacement for the ENTIRE family.
LOL but not about husband and haircut. Poor guy, because it's a guy thing not to notice...just the wrong time for him to do the guy thing. ;-)
And hope the antibiotic woes disappear soon. So sorry you are having such a tough week. I love you and send big hugs and lots of empathy!
edna million Going Gentle Into That Good Ni ⋅ April 06, 2015
It went fine -- I need to update!! I know they feel like they do the bulk of the Daddy Stuff and think I get off easy because I'm not right there--- while I think they don't do a flipping thing and it all gets saved up for me. As you well know, families sure can be difficult.