Not a Clue in The Past

  • March 25, 2015, 1:41 p.m.
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I’ve not a clue about a lot of things these days. The plans for the convention are finally coming together.. I was able to pay for the tickets into the convention with the money that I finally got back from New Con. I had to add 70.00 from my own pocket, but we have four adult tickets to the artist alley in the convention. Now I just need to pay for Devine. But I figure I’ll do that when I get there. Train tickets are already picked up too. We’re taking the 10am train up to Seattle on the 2nd, and we’ll be on a train home at like 2:30 on the 6th. So other than the hotel room and the food costs, I’m not worried about anything going wrong. I’ll hopefully make more than enough to recoup my costs. I have decided though, that I need a partner. Someone who’ll actually put the time and energy and money in to help me instead of being a leech. I don’t think I’m taking the family any more on these trips, unless they pay half. It’ll suck to be them, but dammit, I’m sick and tired of spending buttloads of money to get to a convention or a show, only to have my helpers spend more time goofing off and doing things that I don’t get a chance to do, than actively helping me.

Got another bit of news about this show too… and I’m not sure how I feel about it.

One of my friends whom I’ve known for half of my life, Steve, is coming up to visit his brother Ben. He wants to see me and hang out for a little time, which is great, I’m excited about that, but the only problem is he keeps changing his plans and I feel that I’m going to end up getting squeezed out of them.

It started out with him saying that he’ll be up here the first week of April, and that Ben has the kids so he and Ben can’t paint the town red that weekend. So he invited me to hang out with him. First though was “Woot! I’ll have Steve at the con with me to cheer me up and chatter with, and then in the evenings, we’ll hit the afterparties and drink and party and yeah. It’ll be fun!

Then today he informs me that he’s having a girl (yeah, with Steve it’s always a girl) come up from California that weekend and he’s going to spend Saturday with her, and come visit me on Sunday. I told him it’ll end up being late on Sunday – I’m not paying 70.00 for him to come into the convention on the last day. So it’s a case of I’ll be at the convention till the dealer hall closes up, which’ll be 5pm at the very least, then I’ll have to pack everything up and put it away, take the stuff to the hotel and then maybe have some time to hang out. So… we’re looking at like, 7pm before I can hang, and I’ll be tired, cranky, hungry, and probably sick to death of people. Mom figures that I won’t see him on Sunday, not if he’s chasing tail like I think he’s going to be. If he wasn’t chasing tail, he wouldn’t be Steve, but it just makes me kind of sad that there’s a good chance that we won’t get a chance to spend time together, even though we’re in the same damned city.

There’s no use borrowing trouble though.

8 days and counting…

Last updated December 24, 2016

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