Tuesday in Talk Story

  • March 24, 2015, 6:46 p.m.
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I awoke to an overcast and cloudy sky this morning… did some chores around the house… then drove into town for an early lunch… and some much needed restocking of the larder (smiles)…

On my drive in… I noticed just how turbulent the ocean is…

We have had in excess of four inches of rain since 4pm on Sunday… and the storm last night was pretty wild… heavy rain… strong wind… branches being knocked down by the force of the wind… big rain drops hitting the windows…

But for now a bit of calm before the next storm… (sort of like life)…

Aloha oe…

Last updated March 24, 2015

aunty EM March 25, 2015

Little rain turning to snow here this morning. Springtime in the Rockies...

TruNorth March 25, 2015

Just returned from a week in San Francisco - nice sunny days. However I understand they could use some of your wet weather - they were talking about water rationing.

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