The Storm in Friends With the Benedicts

  • March 23, 2015, 2:49 a.m.
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I have a storm brewing in me. That’s what it feels like. After I figured out that the new thing I was experiencing when I was having widespread pain and it hurt to move my upper body was shingles, I started my period. Then I knew. I am the unluckiest person I know. LOL. Well, besides my Mom, but we’re on me right now. And this is my diary, so I can do that. I’ve been focusing so much on my Mom for the past few weeks, that I think it’s made me sick. It certainly hasn’t helped. And I certainly have not been taking care of myself or putting myself first. How can I do that? Well, today is Laura’s birthday. She is still sleeping, but I am at home, and have been pretty much all day, except for when I had to go to my Mom’s earlier to get cigarettes. She didn’t say she didn’t want me over there, but I know she didn’t and I actually just wanna make her birthday as good as possible because she has a hurt foot, and I haven’t been here for her the last few weeks. We had a very bad fight (that’s how her foot got hurt - no we do not “fight”, just argue, but she kicked a door. I threw cherry pepsi on her after she was squirting me with water. lol. I said bad things and so did she. She broke our beautiful glass cabinet door tho. She is mad at herself for that one. Now we keep findin glass in our dishes. lol) and the fight was because I apparently had promised I would be home to have sex with her after only a little time had passed and then I wasn’t. I had stayed at my Mom’s for a very long time. So yea, it has been stressful on everyone. But we are OK. We have been thru way worse in our 15 years together. I am sure yall can imagine. lol. All this, I think, has been wreaking havoc on my little body. I did go back to the hospital the night after I took Laura in to get her foot stitched up. I thought maybe they would keep me, but I am glad they didn’t. I did NOT like the way they treated me that night. I was sooo glad when they came in and I was better and was able to show them so they could discharge me. They I guess wanted to keep me tho. But nope, my foot/leg was better! See, my right leg had gone the same way that my left had. exactly the same symptoms, right down to the numb chin, etc. So I thought that maybe I had been discharged too early and needed more steroids. Well, they did give me more steroids. They gave me Solumedrol and Medrol via IV, and then I was fixed I guess, because I was able to walk outta there. Thank Amy!! :)

My Mom is doing better. She wants those drains they had to put in her chest taken out! lol. She will be doing much better once they do that. We went to her surgeon dr. appt. but he had to reschedule due to being in surgery. That was this past Friday, so they rescheduled to tomorrow. She is hoping they will take the drains out then. I am going to that appointment, so I am hopeful they will as well. She could do A LOT more for herself, like almost everything, if she had those stupid things out. She would be a lot happier too! She can’t even really give herself a bath right now. I had to help her on Friday. She thinks her boob that got cut off looks like Oscar the Grouch’ mouth. LOL. She calls that one Oscar, and the other one is Muffin. Ha! She’s always saying, “Poor Muffin”. lol Well, Imma go watch Intervention. I hope all of you are doing well. I am about to go see for myself and leave some notey note notes! :) Love you all. <3

*One of my friends was wondering why I did not get on some shingles meds. I figured the best way to answer that would be to let her as well as everyone else know why at the same time. Here is what I wrote back to her:

“I have actually had shingles since I was about 15. About once a year, maybe more, my right leg will hurt a lot like I have flu- like pains in it, then like clock work, (I like to be funny and “predict” it every time, and I am always right) a cluster of blisters about the size of a fifty cent piece will appear on the back of the top of my thigh. It has been diagnosed before, when I worked at Dr. Flurry’s office and it came, I asked one of his nurses to look at it and she said that’s what it was. But I have never gotten anything like this before. I do not have a rash with these tho. From what I have read online, if you don’t get meds within 3 days of seeing a rash, it does no good to prevent the post herpetic neuralgia, which I probably already have had for years I guess. I was afraid of always getting them worse and now it has come. Oh well.. one less thing to be afraid of.”


Last updated March 23, 2015

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